Application and review
All projects greater than £150,000 shall be undertaken in accordance with the procedures. In general, projects below this value are undertaken by the Estates Operations. The application of specific procedures in the delivery of projects shall be addressed when completing the Project Execution Plan. A Project Execution Plan is required to be completed by the Project Manager for all projects. Justification to exempt a project from complying with the procedures shall be noted by the Project Manager in view of the level of project risk and cost.
The Project Team and all participants involved in project delivery should be familiar with the requirements of the Project Procedures which are for common access. These are maintained on this website by the Project Information Manager.
Review and updating of procedures
Management review of the procedures is required to ensure that appropriate control is applied to the project management processes and that the procedures operate effectively. To this end, the Director of Estates Projects and Development will ensure that regular and systematic reviews of the project management procedures are undertaken.
Responsibility for review shall lie with a review team chaired by a Senior Project Manager from Estates Development and Projects. The review team shall meet on a regular basis to evaluate the results of process reviews (undertaken by process owners, audit or independent specialists), feedback from third parties, service level delivery and agree changes to the project management system.
Process reviews shall be undertaken to improve control or efficiency where the threat or opportunity to Imperial is significant. Review tasks shall focus on areas which have not been recently reviewed, are known to have weaknesses or management believe could impact on the achievement of Estates Development and Projects or Imperial objectives.
Frequency of management reviews
Reviews of the procedures shall be undertaken on a regular basis.
Where an immediate change is required to address a significant project failure then the issue shall be addressed at the next weekly Direct Reports Meeting.
The meeting agenda shall cover:
- Results and conclusion from internal reviews conducted during the period.
- User Coordinator and Client feedback and complaints during the period.
- Changes to Imperial requirements, regulations and processes which interface with Project Management e.g. Capital Investment Planning Round.
- Changes in legislation.
- New methods and technology for building works and project management.
The meetings will be minuted and will include recommendations arising from the review, identify the managers responsible, and provide a timescale for implementing the agreed amendments to the procedures.
Any changes to procedures arising from the agreed management actions shall be channelled through the Project Information Manager to update the website and ensure proper control of documentation and communication.
The Director of Estates Development and Projects shall ensure that appropriate reviews of the project management processes are scheduled and discussed on a regular basis.
Changes to procedures shall be agreed by the Director of Estates Development and Projects with the relevant Process Owner(s). All changes shall be channelled through the Information Team to ensure proper control of documentation and communication. Updating of the procedures on the Estates Development and Projects website shall be instructed by the Framework and Information Manager.