Please sign into ICIS and click 'My training' to search and enrol on this training course

Training dates

13 February 2023 (online)

6 March 2023 (online) - 9.30 - 12.30

18 April 2023 (online)

10 May 2023 (online)

This training is from 10.00 - 13.00.


Training overview

This training course is designed to enable managers to feel confident about managing claims of harassment, bullying, or victimisation. It will help you to understand the law and how to best eliminate harassment. You will learn what organisational support mechanisms are available, and help you think about the ideal work environment for everyone in your team and department.

What is covered in this course?

  • Defining and understanding: What is bullying and harassment?
  • Relevant legislation - what you need to know
  • Imperial policy
  • Case studies and exercises
  • What to do if it happens to you or a colleague
  • The way forward - fostering the right environment

Who is this course for?

This course is open to all staff members who have line management or supervisory responsibilities.

Key information

  • 3-hour session
  • Facilitated by an external trainer: Angela Goldberg Associates
  • No charge for Imperial staff
  • Online platform - Zoom

Netiquette for online training

  • It is important that you are fully present and an active participant, to create a safe space for sharing and discussion.
  • For some of our training, you will be required to keep your video cameras on. Please ensure prior to attending that you have a fully functioning camera and microphone. If you have any issues with your equipment, please contact us as soon as possible. If you require your camera to be off as a workplace adjustment, please let us know in advance so that we can makethe trainer aware.
  • Please ensure that you are in a private space where you can maintain confidentiality and the privacy of the other delegates.
  • To maintain confidentiality, all delegates are asked to agree to keep what is said within the group, and not record or take screenshots/photos without permission. Pictures or quotes from the session should not be posted on social media or elsewhere without the express permission of those involved.