Please sign into ICIS and click 'My training' to search and enrol on this training course

Briefing dates

31 January 2023, 10.00-11.30 (online)

25 May 2023, 10.00-11.30 (online)

Briefing overview

We all have a part to play in creating a safe, welcoming, and inclusive workplace at Imperial. An important part of that is showing allyship – the acts that one can take on a daily basis to foster inclusion and support Imperial’s values.

Through this briefing, you will:

  • Explore what allyship means
  • Explore different types of allyship
  • Gain a sense of what sort of ally you might want to be
  • Explore practical ways to demonstrate allyship

Who os this briefing for?

This briefing is open to all staff members.

Key information

  • 90 minute briefing
  • Delivered by members of the EDI Centre
  • No charge for Imperial staff
  • Online course delivered via MS Teams

Netiquette for online training

  • It is important that you are fully present and an active participant, to create a safe space for sharing and discussion.
  • For some of our training, you will be required to keep your video cameras on. Please ensure prior to attending that you have a fully functioning camera and microphone. If you have any issues with your equipment, please contact us as soon as possible. If you require your camera to be off as a workplace adjustment, please let us know in advance so that we can makethe trainer aware.
  • Please ensure that you are in a private space where you can maintain confidentiality and the privacy of the other delegates.
  • To maintain confidentiality, all delegates are asked to agree to keep what is said within the group, and not record or take screenshots/photos without permission. Pictures or quotes from the session should not be posted on social media or elsewhere without the express permission of those involved.