Monitoring progress
We will gather and publish data to monitor our progress
To ensure that the actions we take to promote equality, diversity and inclusion are effective, we need to gather and analyse data on our staff and students as a function of their various protected characteristics. This will give us a clearer picture of variations in staff and student recruitment, progress and retention that are associated with diversity and allow us to more effectively monitor the impact of any policy or procedural initiatives.
To demonstrate the seriousness of our intent to achieve real change, we also need to be as transparent as possible (within the proper bounds of individual confidentiality) about these data, how they compare to other universities and to national and international benchmarks.
We will develop robust and user-friendly tools (where they do not yet exist) for monitoring student and staff data to enable departments to track progress. To reduce duplication of effort, we will ensure that data-gathering and analysis is consistent as far as possible with the demands of external benchmarking schemes.
We will publish an annual summary of diversity data on staff and students and track year-on-year changes. You can read our latest Imperial staff EDI data (Excel) and Imperial student EDI data (Excel).
We will build the confidence of staff and students in our ability to handle data confidentially and to use it responsibly. This will increase declaration rates and the utility of our data.