We will collaborate internally and externally to develop good practice
Individual and organisational needs and expectations around equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) remain in a state of progressive flux. This presents a challenge to universities and other organisations because the most effective solutions are still being sought. But it is also an opportunity, since there is a widespread willingness to share advice and experience.
At Imperial, our mission to disseminate knowledge and practice will include our work on equality, diversity and inclusion. We are also keen to learn from the diversity of experience within and without the institution.
We will establish an EDI Excellence Fund to identify and encourage local initiatives. The fund will recognise and reward people at Imperial with a passion for EDI by providing financial and other support to help their ideas to be implemented and disseminated. This fund will be managed carefully to ensure that support is offered to address the whole spectrum of EDI needs.
We will increase awareness of the importance of equality, diversity and inclusion at Imperial, by promoting scholarship and learning in relation to the value of diversity in STEM education and research.
We will work with outside groups to learn, develop and share best practice (e.g. other universities, networks, international bodies, and experts). We are determined to be a leading voice in this endeavour and will work with other relevant organisations (e.g. UKRI, the Office for Students, Russell Group, Universities UK, League of European Research Universities) to disseminate best practice across the sector.
We will work with Advancement to identify new sources of support, both to advertise our efforts to be more inclusive and to fund new activities.
We will seek the help of Advancement to harness the experiences and perspectives of our alumni, especially those from diverse backgrounds, to expand the horizons and opportunities of students and staff. We will also work with them to develop post-graduation support as part of our widening participation activities.