Data monitoring
You make Imperial
Everything that makes you, you, helps make Imperial. This is why we ask staff for certain personal data.
Holding accurate data about our staff is important. Data helps us as an organisation make decisions about the policies and services that help support you and your colleagues. For example, we can tailor our equality, diversity and inclusion activities and initiatives more effectively and better meet the needs of underrepresented groups.
If you do not wish to declare any of your personal details, we would still encourage you to respond on ICIS and select the 'Prefer not to say' option.
How to update your personal details
Please access Self Service via ICIS and follow these steps:
- Enter your College username and password
- Click on My Details in the list on the left of the screen
- Click on Personal Details to review and update your information
- Also click on Disability Information to review and update this information
Why should I keep my personal information up to date?
We want to make Imperial an inclusive environment for everyone in our staff community. In order to achieve this, we need a clear picture of the people who make up this community – you.
The data you provide will help us examine our policies and practices. For example, by informing us of your gender identity, a disability or your religion, we can tailor our equality and diversity activities to suit your needs and better understand groups that may be underrepresented at Imperial. We can then provide the right support services and training.
Who has access to my data?
The information you share with us will be treated confidentially and with great care. The data is held on the Imperial College Information Systems (ICIS) and only a select number of staff can access your data.
What kind of processing do you do with the data internally?
The College processes the data for projects such as Athena SWAN submissions. We look at the data across other categories such as job grades and departments. To ensure that confidentiality is not undermined inadvertently, we never report on small numbers where individuals could be identified (even for Freedom of Information requests).
Do you share the data externally?
Occasionally, the College will need to share some of the data we collect with external organisations in the higher education sector. When this happens, data will be shared anonymously.
For example, one of the requirements for all UK universities includes sharing information on some protected characteristics with the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). We do not share names or College Identifiers (CIDs), and HESA does not publish individual records - they publish data across the sector.
If I leave Imperial can I ask for my data to be removed?
Individual staff files are permanently retained by the College. Please read the College retention schedule for further information.
Where can I find out more about using ICIS Self Service?
The HR Staff Hub has a dedicated page for frequently asked questions about the ICIS Self Service system.