The FoNS ELIG addresses operational matters concerning the development, delivery and support of eLearning materials and systems for the Faculty of Natural Sciences. The committee meets every term or as requiredDiscussions of the group are reported to the Faculty Education Committee (NSEC) and the College's e-learning Advisory Panel (eLAP).

Terms of Reference

  1. To discuss and make decisions relating to eLearning activities in the faculty, particularly for UG and PGT courses, and report on these to the FoNS Education Committee. 
  2. Guided by Imperial’s Learning and Teaching Strategyto develop and monitor the implementation of these activities ensuring quality and relevance to the subject area and alignment with local, national and international good practice. 
  3. To review the production pipeline for new eLearning developments and make decisions on priorities.  
  4. To disseminate within the group reports and communications from across college on issues and activities concerning eLearning. 
  5. To disseminate information on developments in eLearning from the group to departmental staff. 


The Faculty Vice Dean (Education), senior members of the Faculty Ed Tech team, student representatives and representatives from each department.