Faculty of Engineering ELIG
The FOE-ELIG is the committee which aims to guide and support teaching staff in implementing technology enhanced teaching tools for an excellent teaching and learning experience. The Committee meets formally on a twice-termly basis, and represents the Faculty of Engineering on the College's e-learning Advisory Panel (ELAP).
Committed to e-learning.
Supporting staff and students.
Recognition of staff-added-value.
Innovation and creativeness.
Advise and inform relevant decision makers.
Terms of Reference
- Propose and test the provision of fit-for-purpose e-learning technology for academic teaching and high quality feedback.
- Support academic staff who wish to implement technology-based teaching methodologies.
- Facilitate dialogue between support staff, academic staff and students to manage e-learning technology expectations.
- Facilitate and encourage adoption of evidence-based educational research in the use of e-learning technology in conjunction with sound pedagogy.
- Analyse and prioritise faculty wide e-learning objectives via engagement with FTC (Faculty Teaching Committee) and ICT.
Chair: Kristel Fobelets (Electrical Engineering)
Shireen Lock (Principal Learning Technologist)
Omar Bacarreza Nogales (Aeronautics)
Maria Parkes (Bioengineering)
Andreas Kogelbauer (Chemical Engineering)
Dilshad Badshah (Chemical Engineering)
Panagiotis Angeloudis (Civil Engineering)
Anandha Gopalan/Mark Wheelhouse (Computing)
Petar Kormushev ( Design Engineering)
Peter Fitch (Earth Science & Engineering)
Paul Franklyn (Materials)
Nic Cinosi(Mechanical Engineering)