Make an appointment
Information about our appointments
Please email us if you have any queries or want to submit your evidence ahead of speaking to a member of the team.
Disability adviser appointments
To receive adjustment and support, you must book an appointment with a disability adviser. At your appointment, you can discuss the following:
- adjustments and support for your disability/impairment;
- accommodation (halls of residence);
- your evidence (diagnostic assessment reports, GP letters, etc);
Disabled Students' Allowances (DSAs); - other disability-related queries.
- (bookings for autism screenings are closed. They will reopen on Friday 15 September);
If a longer discussion is needed, the disability adviser will schedule a follow-up appointment with you.
Disability advisor appointments
Dyslexia/SpLD team: Screening appointments
The Dyslexia/SpLD team can support you in identifying any indicators of a specific learning difficulty (SpLD):
- Dyslexia
- Characteristics of dyspraxia/developmental co-ordination disorder (DCD)
- Dyscalculia
- Characteristics of AD(H)D as an SpLD
Dyslexia/SpLD Team: Screening appointments
SpLD screenings closed over the summer
Bookings for SpLD screenings are closed. They will reopen on Friday 15 September.
However, study efficiency support and access to technology training remain fully available all summer. You don’t need a diagnosis to access these resources. If you would like to find out more, please e-mail