Course aims
The module provides opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate knowledge, understanding, skills and other attributes in the following areas:
course aims
Knowledge and understanding
On completion of this module, the student will be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the different levels/ types of remote monitoring and their usefulness for patient care.
- Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of the signs, symptoms and common management of patients with heart failure.
- Differentiate between signs and symptoms of chronic heart failure and those that are indicative of clinical deterioration.
- Identify appropriate vital signs and symptoms for monitoring clinical status.
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of current treatment/medication.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the role of healthcare professionals working in chronic disease management (both interdisciplinary and intra-disciplinary); primary, secondary and specialist care.
- Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the resources required and effective models of remote patient monitoring and management.
- Demonstrate an understanding of common barriers and strategies to facilitate patient self-management.
Intellectual skills
On completion of this module, the student will be able to:
- Integrate acquired knowledge and understanding to inform decision making about patient monitoring data and patient management.
- Play a decisive role in developing protocols and practical (or local) guidelines for patient management
Other Skills and Attributes (Practical/Professional/Transferable)
On completion of this module, the student will be able to:
- Assess the suitability of patients for remote monitoring
- Complete appropriate set-up (including education) of a patient on remote monitoring
- Diagnose and manage technical problems with remote monitoring data transfer
- Interpret remote monitoring data to identify a significant change in the patient condition
- Communicate effectively with a patient using remote monitoring (and / or their family) to undertake a focused patient assessment
- Communicate effectively with other professionals (in health and social care) about patient management
- Provide practical disease specific and self-care advice to patients and their families