Contact us

If you want to do any of the following, please contact Elizabeth for support:

  • Send to a new distribution list
  • Change the way your account is set up – e.g. switch to allowing staff to opt in/out of your newsletter
  • Commission new templates

You can also book a slot with Elizabeth to talk through any queries you have about Poppulo. 

Poppulo is the College's centrally-supported tool for managing and sending internal email newsletters to staff and students. 

We have a number of licences to offer to staff from across the College. Please get in touch with Elizabeth Nixon, Internal Communications Manager, if you are interested in having a Poppulo licence. Please note:

  • One licence = one user log in. Poppulo is accessed via single sign on and licences cannot be shared among a team.
  • One licence allows you to set up and send multiple newsletter campaigns (e.g. one for staff, one for students), with unlimited recipients. 

For existing Poppulo users

If you already have a Poppulo licence, you can log in here using your normal Imperial username and password

Support from Poppulo

For general guidance on how to use the system and build your newsletter, please visit the Poppulo Knowledge Base, which has step-by-step guides and videos. 

You can also sign up for series of 30 minute webinars run by Poppulo. We’d recommend you start with ‘Create and send an email’ and then do ‘Reports training’.

You can also contact the Poppulo support centre directly via phone (0800 085 6388) or email ( 

Support from Imperial

Please also consult the guidance below for guidance from the Imperial communications team, including how to make the most of the templates we provide.