Discover Imperial Horizons

Watch the recording of the 'Discover Imperial Horizons' Teams Live Event on 7th October.


Transferable skills

Our modules will help you to develop transferable skills such as communication, team-working, problem-solving, business and organisational awareness. 

Make your transcript stand out

If you take an Imperial Horizons option for degree credit your final mark will appear on your transcript.

If you take it for non-credit or extra-credit only 'pass', 'merit' or 'distinction' will show, and 'fails' will not be recorded. 

Benefits 2

Gain credit

2 term Imperial Horizons modules are worth 5 or 7.5 ECTS points. Modules are available to take for credit towards your degree where your department allows. They are also available to take for extra credit.

8 week non-credit Imperial Horizons modules are also available for 1st year undergraduates. 

Free and during normal teaching hours

There is a dedicated Imperial Horizons time slot for each year group. No additional fee is charged for Imperial Horizons. 

1st years - Tuesdays 16.00-18.00
2nd years - Mondays 16.00-18.00
3rd & 4th years - Thursdays 16.00-18.00

3 split images: purple gas and mic, explosion and sundial, statue man and man in VR headset