Seville Oranges

A Post Level 5 or equivalent module in Spanish language and culture

Module details

  • Offered to 3rd & 4th Years
  • Thursdays 16.00-18.00
  • Planned delivery: On campus (South Kensington)
  • 2 term module worth 7.5 ECTS
  • Available to eligible students as part of I-Explore
  • Extra Credit or Degree Credit where your department allows
Degree credit module options by departmentHow to enrol

A communicative high level module for students providing a base for the study of Contemporary Spain, social and demographic trends, cultural and economic issues, science and technology.

This is a high level language module for students in their third year of Spanish study post A-level or fourth year post A/S level. 

This module aims to: 

  • further the students’ competence in the command of complex grammatical structures and vocabulary;
  • examine various types of discourse and linguistic function at the relevant level;
  • introduce students to a range of current socio-political and historical issues.

By the end of the module, students should have reached approximately the C1/C2 standard of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR)

To be eligible for this module you need to have done one of the following: 

  • successfully completed Spanish Level 5;
  • already achieved C1 or equivalent on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).

This module is not intended for native or near-native speakers.

Please note: The information on this module description is indicative. The module may undergo minor modifications before the start of next academic year. 

Information blocks

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:Alhambra Granada

  • comprehend extended native speech with ease, recognising explicit, implicit and culturally relevant meanings;
  • interact with ease in a variety of social and professional contexts, conveying meaning precisely and using language accurately, creatively, and sensitively to adapt to the needs of the communicative context;
  • critique and react to a broad range of complex fictional and non-fictional productions, producing clear, smoothly flowing, complex texts, adopting the conventions of a variety of genres and applying sophisticated linguistic structures, register and stylistic features from C1.2 range (Common European Framework of Reference, proficiency);
  • convey new and creative meanings, developing your own authorial voice as required;
  • demonstrate a high level of intercultural awareness, critically appraising and comparing cultural, scientific, and socio-political practices and perspectives from Spanish-speaking contexts, relating these to your own background and contexts of practice;
  • expand your knowledge independently, using a range of language learning and research tools to tackle sophisticated communication and cultural translation.


In this module you will:Giralda in Seville

  • explore social and demographic trends in contemporary Spain alongside cultural, economic and STEM related issues from Spanish-speaking contexts;
  • work with advanced language structures, enhancing your awareness of discursive style and register and your understanding of linguistic purpose and function in practical situations;
  • expand your essay writing skills and engage critically with a broad range of texts (literary, scientific, etc);
  • present, debate and/or report on current affairs;
  • apply research strategies to data collection and presentation, producing texts and other relevant materials to a professional standard;
  • work with different registers to improve communicative sophistication.




In line with MFL communicative and active learning methodologies, in-class activities cover all four skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) and include: pair work (dialogue practice, information gap exercises, discussion and collection of key terms/ideas followed by report to plenum); group work (discussion, creation of posters); individual tasks (presentations [with PP as well as video uploaded to Blackboard]); discovery and formulation of rules; critical evaluation of texts, audio and video material. Homework and coursework tasks give you the tools required to participate in class and the opportunity to revise and consolidate knowledge and skills while developing an awareness of how to use language learning tools efficiently. This approach not only ensures you engage with a wide range of tasks, but also supports different learning styles.

Your coursework will be marked and returned within two weeks. Rubrics and revision guidance (how-to guides) will be included as needed with each coursework. You will receive detailed feedback alongside suggestions for improvement and an overall percentage showing your provisional grade for that assessment.

  • Coursework (15%): Mid-term 1. Independent research project (abstract, questionnaire, data presentation, essay) c.600/700 words total for written component.
  • Examination (10%): In-class test run on the virtual learning environment (bring your own device). This 1-hour test will take place at the end of term 1. Writing based on video/audio pack c.400 words.
  • Coursework (20%): Mid-term 2. Recorded presentation / podcast (8-10 min).
  • Examination (20%): In-class test run on the virtual learning environment (bring your own device). This 1-hour test will take place at the end of term 2. Writing task (min 500 words).
  • Practical (35%): Oral exam in term 3 including pre-prepared presentation/commentary on dossier and unprepared discussion (approx. 25 minutes).

Assessment information for students on a course with a year abroad

  • 7.5 ECTS points awarded on successful completion of the module.
  • Available to take for credit towards your degree where your department allows. Also available for extra-credit.
  • You must be prepared to attend all classes and and undertake approximately 3 hours of private study each week in addition to the assessment.

Module materials: 

Much of the material will be introduced in the form of handouts from books, the press, scientific journals, literary extracts and audio-visual material from different sources.

Other materials (available in the library):

Gramática de uso del español. Teoría y práctica. Nivel superior (C1-C2) by Luis Aragonés & Ramón Palencia, SM, 2010, ISBN: 978-84-675-2109-2.

Developing writing skills in Spanish by Javier Muñoz-Basols et al, Routledge, 2012, ISBN: 0415590833

Manual de estilo de la lengua española: MELE 3 by José Martínez de Sousa, Trea, 2007.

Saber escribir by J. Sánchez Lobato, Aguilar, 2007.

Further information for Year Abroad/Year in Europe Students
Further information for BSc Hons and MSc Language for Science Degrees

"Conversation was encouraged, which is vital for a language course to work, and the style of tuition was very friendly, interactive and even student-centred at times, through constant discussion (oral and written) of topics chosen by the students - when the material studied offered the chance."
"I felt that the broad range of topics covered was very stimulating: historical, literary and other cultural backgrounds of Spain."
"I enjoyed the variety of topics covered and that we were able to give our own input on the topics we were interested in covering."
"I am really glad that rather than focusing on only one or 2 pieces of literature, we could cover topics across many different genres."