Data privacy & your responsibilities
Data Privacy
The College’s Data Privacy Statement for students applies to the data that we hold about you concerning your Imperial Horizons module. Please refer to Privacy Notice for Students and Prospective Students.
Your Responsibilities
Please be aware of the following responsibilities you are expected to take for your learning, when registering for an Imperial Horizons module.
Attendance requirement
Your department has been asked not to timetable other classes at the same time as Imperial Horizons. You are expected to make every effort to attend every session.
Attendance registers will be taken and attendance will be monitored where the module takes place in-person or online. If, for a very good reason, you cannot attend, you should let your lecturer know by email in advance, and it is your responsibility to catch up missed work.
You are expected to attend at least 75% of the classes for your module and fully engage with the sessions. You should let your lecturer know by email if you are unable to attend a session.
Your credit status and how results are recorded
Please see Taking a module for credit for details on the different credit statuses and how your results will be recorded.
Changing module or withdrawing
You cannot change modules once you have started. The modules are designed to be delivered coherently across the whole duration and it is important to be present for all the sessions.
If you are experiencing any problems with the module, or have any concerns, please contact your lecturer, the appropriate Coordinator for your field of study or the Imperial Horizons administrator.
Degree Credit Students
If you are taking your Imperial Horizons module for degree credit as an ancillary as part of your degree, you will need to obtain permission from your department before withdrawing. Please ensure that you have enough ECTS to pass the year.
I-Explore Students
Withdrawal is only permitted if you will not be in College for the current academic year or are repeating a year, and are therefore no longer eligible for the module you have chosen.
Extra Credit & Non-Credit Students
If you have changed your mind about taking a module for whatever reason, you may withdraw. Ideally, this should be done within the first 2 weeks of the term.
To withdraw you will need to complete the withdrawal form.
Academic honesty
You undertake to only submit work that is entirely your own. Please make sure you are aware of the College’s guidelines on how to avoid plagiarism detailed in the Imperial Study Guide. Ask your lecturer for help should you be in any doubt about writing in your own words. Please be aware that the College views any form of cheating very seriously.
Participating in group work
You are expected to participate fully in any task involving working in a group. You should be a reliable, committed member of the group and you must be fully accountable for your contribution.
Coursework deadlines and extensions
Coursework must be submitted on time. If you do not submit required coursework or sit required tests, you will receive no marks for that assessment. Extensions for coursework are only granted in exceptional circumstances (pressure of work will not be deemed a valid reason) and a coursework extension request form must be submitted. Coursework submitted late will receive a mark of zero in accordance with College policy.
Those modules with an examination component will have the final examination during the last week of the spring term. Languages oral exams will also be scheduled at the end of the spring term or start of the summer term. It is your responsibility to ensure you know the date of your compulsory exam(s). Language modules will also have a test during the last week of the autumn term.
Signing up for a module that is appropriate for you in the context of your previous learning
Languages modules are offered at a range of different levels from complete beginners (Level 1) upwards. Please make sure that you are eligible for the language module that you are choosing by checking the pre-requisites chart on the page for the language you are intending to study. If you are in any doubt about your eligibility to register for a particular Horizons option you should contact the appropriate Coordinator for advice.
Year in Europe and Language for Science Students
Students on a degree which includes a year abroad (including those studying a BSc/MSci with a Language for Science) are required to study a language in preparation for that year. You will attend two hours a week of language tuition through Imperial Horizons and an additional third hour of language tuition per week intended to prepare you for study abroad. BSc/MSci with a Language for Science students will also undertake a further hour of study in the history, politics, science and technology of the countries concerned. It is compulsory for you to attend all three hours (four hours in the case of BSc/MSci with a Language for Science) of tuition.
Time commitments for your module
In addition to the class time of two hours a week, you will need to set aside extra time (two to three hours for two-term modules and one hour for one-term modules) for preparation and follow-up activities that will be given in class. This is important if you want to make good progress in the module you have chosen.
Student Handbook
It is your responsibility to read (and download where appropriate) the relevant Horizons student handbook for your field, and the information on the website about the module you have chosen.
Modules Offered
Imperial Horizons modules listed in our literature and on the website are those that the Centre currently intends to offer in the coming academic year. Modules run subject to sufficient demand, resources and current College guidance. The College reserves the right to cap numbers and change or discontinue modules. It is possible that modules may have to be withdrawn or changed at short notice in response to changing circumstances. Should the module to which you have signed up be cancelled, we will do our best to allocate you to another module of your choice.