Promo video for the CfAE's 6-week PSE course

Why enrol on the 6-week pre-sessional course?







The pre-sessional team explain the benefits of joining the 6-week course. 

The 6-week course is for prospective postgraduate Imperial students who hold a conditional offer and who need to improve their English language proficiency to meet the English language entry condition for their degree course.

The aims of the course are to:

  • prepare students for the study of their science-related discipline through English
  • develop their English language skills to the level needed for College entry to begin their degree course
  • advance their academic study skills and independent learning 
  • help them become familiar with life at Imperial

Students on the course must complete all course assignments and class work to the required level and pass the three pre-sessional assessments in the final week of the course. Passing the 6-week course means that students have fulfilled the College’s English language entry condition and do not need to re-take IELTS.

The 6-week pre-sessional is a full-time, intensive course with a fast-paced and varied programme of classes and activities. The course will take place on South Kensington campus from 9am to 5pm from Monday to Friday.

- Check the entry requirements for the 6-week course. 
- Find out more about the course by reading through our frequently asked questions. 

- Find out more about Student Route visas. 
Hear from our students to find out about their experience on our pre-sessional courses.

Please note that we cannot accept applicants from Imperial College Business School. If you have any questions about this, please contact the Business School directly.


What people say about the course

An extract from the External Examiner's report on the 2022 course:
"One of the great strengths of the course design is the way it goes beyond giving students opportunities to develop their academic language ... The course endeavours to introduce its students to a range of other key academic skills and to make them feel part of the Imperial academic community, which will be essential if they are to thrive in their degree study." 



Pre-sessional students work in groups to rehearse key academic skills