Access our CSS provision

Gain free access to our CSS provision and other online modules. You only need to register once!

If you are interested in

  • writing academic texts in a more reader-friendly way,
  • expanding and refining your academic vocabulary,
  • presenting in a more engaging and effective way,
  • boosting the efficiency of your reading, or
  • improving your professional interactions,

you will benefit from our Communicating Science Successfully (CSS) provision, developed from our established face-to-face workshops. The online workshops are bite-size videos with interactive activities that you can access at any time. 

Note to academic departments: Many departments are now requesting live sessions based on these workshops for their own students, so please contact us if you are interested in booking one for your students.




Please note that the former Chemistry building on the College's South Kensington campus (see A3 on this map) now has spaces designed for self study. Level 4 has silent study spaces and Level 5 has independent learning spaces. If you are on campus, you may wish to benefit from the latter for our online courses, workshops and consultations.

The Business School requests that their students and staff contact the Global Skills Development team in the Business School about their equivalent to the Centre for Academic English provision. 

Communicating Science Successfully provision

Spoken Communication

Workshops available in this series:
  • Preparing successful PowerPoint presentations
  • Preparing successful poster presentations
  • Using your voice to deliver successful presentations
  • Listening strategies

Written Communication

Workshops available in this series:
  • Academic email etiquette
  • Writing with impact and clarity
  • Keeping your reader engaged
  • Informality and formality
  • Mastering STEMM vocabulary
  • Reading strategies
  • Critical writing
  • Writing a lab report
  • Writing effective essays

Dissertation Writing

Workshops available in this series:
  • Writing the Introduction
  • Writing a Literature Review
  • Describing the Methods & Results
  • Writing the Discussion, Conclusion & Abstract


Workshops available in this series:
  • Using tenses: do, did or done?
  • Using prepositions: by or with?
  • Using the passive: did or was done?
  • Using relative clauses: that or which?
  • Using punctuation: comma or hyphen?
  • Using articles: a or the?
  • Using modal verbs

In addition to the workshops above, we provide a joint workshop with the Careers Service called 'Language which opens doors: writing effective CVs and cover letters'. This workshop is also available in the Effective Communication Hub.