Advancement policies
Maintaining the highest standards in our fundraising efforts is of utmost importance to the College. We are dedicated to ensuring we provide the best possible experience for our existing and potential supporters and to fostering positive, open relationships with our friends, partners and alumni.
Here you can read the policies we have in place to ensure our fundraising practices are clear, accountable, respectful and adhering to best practice. Imperial is proudly committed to the Fundraising Regulator’s Code of Fundraising Practice and Fundraising Promise, which have informed these policies.
Advancement policies
Privacy policy
The privacy and data security of our alumni, friends and supporters is important to Imperial. This policy specifically relates to personal data processed by the Advancement Division in its work to build a more vibrant, engaged community.
Vulnerable supporters policy
Giving to Imperial should be a positive experience for all of our existing or potential supporters. We recognise that inevitably a few of the many people we engage with through our fundraising activities may be classed as temporarily or permanently vulnerable and that we should be especially compassionate and respectful when engaging with these individuals. Our vulnerable supporters policy is in place to ensure we follow best practice in our interactions with all supporters.
Fundraising complaints policy
The Advancement Division is committed to supporting the relationship between our alumni, friends and the College. Despite our best endeavours, we understand that there may be occasions where our supporters would like to raise a complaint about our work and in those cases we welcome their feedback. The Fundraising Complaints policy outlines our approach and commitment to resolving supporters’ complaints wherever possible.
Gift Acceptance Policy
All donations are accepted at the College’s discretion and following a proportionate review. The College’s Guidelines for accepting philanthropic income and other gifts sets out the process for such review. Responsibility for the review of proposed gifts rests with the Development Division, reporting to the Director of Development. This includes a review of the ethical considerations as well as the wider scope of any proposal.
Read College guidelines for accepting philanthropic income and other gifts
Our Fundraising Promise
This promise outlines the commitment made to donors and the public by fundraising organisations which register with the Fundraising Regulator. Those who register with the regulator agree to ensure their fundraising is legal, open, honest and respectful.