Students walking across Dangoor Plaza

Share your feedback

The second round of consultation is taking place between Monday 19 June to Friday 28 July 2023. 

If you have any questions or comments please contact

Imperial Strategy Consultation

Thank you to everyone who took part in the first phase of consultation which focused on addressing fundamental questions about our academic mission, as set out in the consultation paper

Your feedback was reviewed by the University Management Board and has helped to identify areas that needed more focus, more prominence and more emphasis. We have addressed these key points:

  • 4 out 5 of respondents - 82% - agree or strongly agreed that the pillars encompassed the key directions they would like to see from Imperial in the next 10-20 years.
  • Pride that Imperial is a leading global university – and continued ambitions for reaching our full potential.
  • Respondents want Imperial to remain ‘curiosity driven’ and create space for ‘blue-sky research’.
  • For signature issues, respondents want us to maintain a leading position in our research and consider major global issues like climate change.
  • Sustainability should be explicitly referenced in the strategy.
  • Supporting our people, improving our infrastructure and investment in our systems are fundamental, as was creating a ‘culture of collaboration’ to help partnerships within Imperial and outside to grow.
  • Strong desire to bolster our reputation and get Imperial the recognition it deserves.


Your feedback also helped to identify areas that need more of your input and reflection and the second phase of consultation will focus on discussing our shared vision and ambition in more detail.  These discussions will take place between Monday 19 June and Friday 28 July.

How to get involved

How to get involved

In depth discussions will be held via existing departmental forums or by additional meetings in order to feedback into the Draft Strategy. 

Further information on how to get involved in your area will be shared locally. 

We have commissioned an independent research agency, Thinks Insight and Strategy, to facilitate further conversations for the Strategy consultation.

A series of six focus groups are designed to facilitate conversations across our community with a range of staff and students. You have the option to join either online or in person, and each session will last 90 minutes

To view the dates and register your interest, please complete the sign up form

During this consultation period, you can also contribute to the work to strengthen Imperial's brand. 

The Imperial Brand Project aims to ensure our brand reflects Imperial’s ambition and vision, helps us communicate effectively with our audiences, and differentiates us from our competitors.


What will happen next?

Thank you for continuing to shape our ambition and vision for the future. 

Your feedback will help to further refine our approach and inform the preparation of a draft Strategy over the summer months.

The new Strategy will be finalised in the Autumn and we look forward to launching our new strategy in December 2023. 

You can view the full strategy development timeline.