A proposed academic strategy project to deliver a holistic student experience from pre-application to post-graduation

The College’s academic strategy incorporates a holistic approach to the student experience, with the aim of enabling students to thrive in and beyond their studies as members of the broad and diverse Imperial community. A new academic strategy project is being proposed to develop “The Imperial Experience”, focussing outside the classroom, joining up our provision across teams and spanning the full student lifecycle from pre-application to post-graduation. 

In order to develop our plans over the next few months, we are now seeking input from staff in seven areas including the transition from school to university, the parity of experience across our campuses, the prominence of extra-curricula activities and enhancements to the experience of our alumni. If you are interested in helping shape this project, then please let us know by completing this short survey 

Our Approach: 

This project will define, communicate and enhance the Imperial Experience that is: beyond education, across teams and, while acknowledging longer-term strategic aspirations, focuses on the next three years. We plan to: 

  • Draw together all those activities that make up the student experience under a single umbrella that is communicated in an engaging way for prospective applicants, current students, alumni, parents, teachers and staff
  • Identify and pursue cross-team opportunities to enhance the student experience in line with the College’s strategic aims.  

This work will be supported by seven sub-groups of the Imperial Experience Project Board: 

  • Transition from school to HE 
  • Parity of experience between home and international students 
  • Parity of experience between WP and non-WP students 
  • PGR student experience 
  • Alumni experience 
  • Parity of experience across campuses 
  • Extra curricula activities 

Imperial Experience Project Board

Peter Haynes

Peter Haynes
Vice-Provost (Education and Student Experience)

Jason Zheng

Jason Zheng
Imperial College Union​

Richard Martin

Richard Martin headshot

Richard Martin
Director of Academic Services

Maggie Dallman

Portrait of Maggie stood in front of a blue building

Maggie Dallman
Vice-President (International) & Associate Provost (Academic Partnerships)​

Martyn Boutelle

Martyn Boutelle
Associate Provost (Estates Planning)

Phil Power

Phil Power
Director of Student Administration

Michael Haig

Michael Haig
Deputy Director, Communications​

Nicola Pogson/Jo Gardner

Nicola Pogson/Jo Gardner
Alumni Relations​

Andrea Garrod

Andrea Garrod
Education Office

Sub-group Leads

Lizzie Burrows

Lizzie Burrows
Transition from school to HE

Martyn Kingsbury

Martyn Kingsbury
Parity of experience between WP and non-WP students

Laura Lane

Laura Lane
PGR Student Experience

Leila Guerra

Leila Guerra
Alumni experience

Oscar Ces

Oscar Ces
Parity of experience across campuses

Jason Riley

Jason Riley
Extra curricula activities

Laura Bulmer

People list image of Laura Bulmer

Laura Bulmer
Parity of experience between home and international students