Popup consultation

A strategy informed by the views of our staff and students

The goals and objectives set out in our strategy have been informed by careful consultation with staff and students from across the College. Responses were gathered using a number of channels:

  • Online consultation for staff and students (273 responses)
  • Pop-up consultation stands at South Kensington and Charing Cross (407 staff and students engaged)
  • Town Hall meetings open to all staff and students (69 attendees)
  • A range of meetings and departmental visits, including the Heads of Department, Imperial College Union Council and the Teaching Fellows Network
The key themes emerging from the consultation are outlined below.

Consultation Outcomes

Key elements of an Imperial education

- Transferable skills development, disciplinary depth and preparation for professional careers
- Inclusion of 'real life' examples, applications with benefit to society
- Research-based
- Development of critical thinking and problem solving
- Opportunity to learn through failure
- Students are stretched and challenged
- Inter-disciplinary learning

Learning and teaching methods

- Small group tutorials are highly valued
- Active learning and group work are very helpful
- Lectures can be very effective, however some content could be better delivered using active learning
- Lab/practical classes are valued, especially when there is a high TA:student ratio

Consultation Outcomes

consultation 1

Assessment and feedback

- Emphasis on assessment through exams could be reduced
- More formative assessment would be very helpful
- Timely, detailed and personalised feedback is highly valued

consultation 2

Characteristics of an excellent teacher

- Excellent communication skills
- Ability to adapt to student needs and interests
- Enthusiastic
- Approachable
- Aims to continually improve

consultation 3

Learning resources

- Clearly explained and complete lecture notes are highly valued
- Panopto is highly valued but with some concerns
- Blackboard and online resources are very helpful, but there are performance issues
- Teaching Assistants are helpful, but an adequate TA:student ratio is needed

Consultation Outcomes

consultation 4

Learning and teaching space

- More flexible space for group work is needed
- More social space and space for independent/group study is needed

consultation 5

Factors to consider in curriculum design

- 'Thinning' the curriculum
- Connect programmes horizontally and vertically

consultation 6

Culture which values teaching

- Very important for staff to feel teaching is valued by departments and the College as a whole
- Staff need more time and incentive to invest in teaching