
Professor Ian Walmsley,


Read more about Professor Ian Walmsley
Portrait Picture

Professor Peter Haynes,

Interim Vice-Provost (Education and Student Experience)

Read more about Professor Peter Haynes

  Mary Ryan

Professor Mary Ryan,

Vice-Provost (Research and Enterprise)

Read more about Professor Mary Ryan

Professor Maggie Dallman,

Associate Provost (Academic Partnerships)

 Read more about Professor Maggie Dallman

Professor Martyn Boutelle,

Associate Provost (Estates Planning)

Read more about Professor Martyn Boutelle
Richard Martin photo

Richard Martin,

Director of Academic Services

Chris Banks image

Chris Banks,

Associate Provost (Space)

Read more about Chris Banks
  Peter Lindstedt

Professor Peter Lindstedt,

Associate Provost (Academic Promotions)

Read more about Professor Peter Lindstedt

Professor Stephen Curry,

Associate  Provost (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion)

 Read more about Professor Stephen Curry
 Alan Spivey

Professor Alan Spivey,

Associate Provost (Learning and Teaching)

 Read more about Professor Alan Spivey

Professor Tim Green

Academic Leader in Sustainability

Read more about Professor Tim Green 
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