Terms of reference

Terms of Reference

The Programmes Committee is a sub-committee of the Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee (QAEC).  It has delegated responsibility from QAEC to consider proposals for new and major modifications to undergraduate and Master’s level taught programmes of study as well as the taught credit-bearing provision in research degree programmes.  The Committee is also responsible for making recommendations to QAEC for changes to the College’s academic and examination regulations related to taught programmes and taught credit-bearing provision in research degree programmes.

The Committee is also responsible for providing quality assurance oversight for courses that do not result in an award of the College but that bear the name of the College. This includes, but is not limited to, continuing professional development, Horizons, Business for Professionals of Engineering and Science (BPES) modules, I-Explore modules, pre-sessional courses, and summer school courses, including outreach. The Committee’s remit excludes the Graduate School’s professional skills development programme and Careers Service’s training programme which are quality assured separately.

Approval of Programmes of Study

  • To oversee and approve an annual schedule of programme approval activity for the College linked to the College Strategic Planning Round.
  • To consider and recommend, to the Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee, the redesigned curricula from the Curriculum Review process, supported by the Curriculum Review Reference Panels and designed in alignment with the College's Learning and Teaching Strategy.
  • To consider and recommend, to the Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee, the approval of new award bearing undergraduate and Master's level and taught credit-bearing provision in research degree programmes congruent with College expectations and acadmic and examination regulations for taught programmes or research programmes as applicable. 
  • To manage the approval process and programme development activity including providing advice at the initial stages in such areas as: regulatory queries; engagement with the College’s Mission; relevant College Codes of Practice and Strategies; and development of a Memorandum of Agreement (for collaborative programmes).
  • To scrutinise the academic standards and quality of new programme proposals, including the content of the curriculum, the learning, teaching and assessment strategies and the curriculum structure.
  • To ensure that sufficient external and independent consultation (including student consultation) has been sought in assessing the academic standards and quality of new programme proposals.
  • To ensure that relevant internal and external reference points, including Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Body (PSRB) requirements, have been taken into consideration in the design of a programme.
  • To advise on modifications to the College regulations and procedures that affect taught programmes of study or related to taught credit-bearing provision in research degree programmes.

Major Modifications to Programmes of Study

  • To consider proposals for changes to existing programme titles, the suspension or withdrawal of programmes and major modifications to the curriculum structure, content and delivery of individual programmes in accordance with the College policy on Programme Modifications.
  • To receive and approve changes to entry requirements with delegated authority from QAEC, in liaison with Admissions (Registry) and Faculty Education Committees.
  • To receive and endorse reports from Faculty Education Committees on the approval of minor modifications to approved curricula.
  • Following appropriate strategic partnership approval, to approve all new collaborative modules (those which are run in collaboration with another institution).
  • To ensure that sufficient external and independent consultation (including student consultation) has been sought for modifications

Short Course Approval and Modifications

  • To maintain an overview of the quality, standards and enhancement of College’s short course activities.
  • To maintain oversight of new non-credit bearing short courses offered by departments and centres.
  • To approve new credit bearing short courses offered by departments and centres.
  • To approve new credit bearing online modules.
  • To approve major modifications to existing short courses.
  • To advise on modifications to College regulations and procedures that affect short course provision.
  • To advise QAEC on developments in UK and international short course provision.
  • To maintain oversight of the College’s Short Course Catalogue/website.

Constitution and membership


  • a chair, nominated by the Vice Provost (Education)
  • a senior representative for educational leadership from each faculty, nominated by the Dean (to include at least one Faculty Senior Tutor)
  • a senior representative for the Continuing Professional Development Unit
  • a representative for the Educational Development Unit
  • the Director of the Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication
  • a College Consul
  • the Director or Deputy Director of the Graduate School
  • two student representatives nominated by Imperial College Union
  • the Academic Registrar or (nominee)
  • the Deputy Director (Academic Quality and Standards)
  • an Assistant Registrar as secretary, with the power to co-opt

To be quorate, a minimum of one third of members need to be present.

Membership (Academic Year 2023/24)
Dr Clemens Brechtelsbauer Chair
TBC Deputy Chair
Dr Lorraine Craig Faculty of Engineering Representative 
Dr Vijay Tymms Faculty of Natural Science Representative 
Dr Jeffrey Vernon Faculty of Medicine Representative 
Betty Yue Continuing Professional Development Unit Representative 
Dr Jo Horsburgh Educational Development Unit Representative 
Kate Ippolito Educational Development Unit Representative 
Dr Magdalena Jara Graduate School Representative
Dr Felicita Starr-Egger Director of the Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication
Professor Alessandro Astolfi College Consul
Yi Yang Student Representative and Deputy President (Education), Imperial College Union
TBC Student Representative and President, Imperial College Union
Judith Webster Director of Academic Quality and Standards
Scott Tucker Deputy Director (Academic Quality and Standards)
Lorraine Bayfield Assistant Registrar (Quality Assurance and Enhancement) - Secretary
Summary of the table's contents


Meeting dates and deadlines

Committee dates (Academic year 2023/24)Submission deadlines (Academic year 2023/24)
26 October 2023 5 October 2023
30 November 2023 09 November 2023
25 January 2024 04 January 2024
21 March 2024 29 February 2024
23 May 2024 02 May 2024
Summary of the table's contents

Agenda items (including papers) should be submitted to the committee secretary three weeks prior to the committee meeting. Papers will normally be circulated to members one week prior to the committee meeting. 

Submission deadlines for new programme proposals should be agreed separately with the committee secretary prior to the meeting and is normally 12 weeks prior to committee


Academic year 2022/23

Academic year 2021/22

Academic year 2020/21

Academic year 2019/20

Academic year 2018/19

Academic year 2017/18

 Academic year 2016/17

Academic year 2015/16

*Minutes to be confirmed at the next meeting