Postgraduate Education Board

Terms of reference

The specific responsibilities of each Board (for its remitted area) are to:

  • Consider the strategic direction of programmes (current and future).
  • Consider and give strategic approval for the establishment of new programmes and major modifications to existing programmes before they progress to the Programmes Committee.
  • Consider and approve major modifications to the curriculum content, structure, organisation, assessment and learning resources for relevant programmes
  • Propose modifications to entry requirements to the Faculty Education Committee.
  • Monitor the overall quality of provision, receiving reports from SOLE, the masters programme SSLGs, FoM SSLC, and national surveys (NSS, PTES, PRES), and identifying appropriate action in response.
  • Discuss and disseminate information and good practice.
  • Retrospectively evaluate interventions in programmes.
  • To monitor the fair and consistent implementation of the policies, procedures and processes, with particular reference to health and safety, equal opportunities and widening participation.
  • To monitor the quality of student support.
  • To approve the terms of reference of sub-committees (such as departmental committees), where appropriate, and to receive regular reports from them.

The Board reports regularly to the Faculty Education Committee in order that it can discharge oversight

Constitution and membership

Membership (Academic year 2022/23)
Professor Louise Donnelly Chair of Postgraduate Education Board
Professor Laki Buluwela  Academic Lead for Doctoral Degrees 
Professor Louise Donnelly / Dr Duncan Rogers [NHLI] Departmental PGT Academic Lead
Professor Steve Gentleman / Dr Stefano Sandrone* [DBS] Departmental PGT Academic Lead
Professor Kate Hardy / Professor Tim Ebbels* [DMDR] Departmental PGT Academic Lead
Dr Paras Anand / Dr Brian Robertson* [DID] Departmental PGT Academic Lead
Dr Matt Harris / Dr Filippos Filippidis* [SPH] Departmental PGT Academic Lead
Professor Dan Elson / Dr Ernesto Yague* [DSC] Departmental PGT Academic Lead
Dr Sophie Rutschmann / Dr Tom McKinnon* [DII] Departmental PGT Academic Lead
Anita Stubbs [DBS, DMDR, DID, DII] / Fiona Bibby* [DBS, DMDR] / Celeste Miles* [DID, DII]  Departmental Education Manager
Dr Katerina Koutsantoni / Sarah Fort* [NHLI] Departmental Education Manager
Hayley Williams / Jo Tite* [SPH] Departmental Education Manager
Alison Cambrey / Jennifer Simeon*[DSC] Departmental Education Manager
Alex Bonczoszek Head of Business Development
Trisha Brown Head of the School Secretariat 
Agata Sadza / Lisa Carrier (maternity leave) Head of Technology Enhanced Education
Dr Jo Horsburgh / Nikki Boyd Representative of Educational Development Unit (EDU) 
Nick Johnston Senior Instructional Designer
Professor Jeremy Levy  Director AHSC Clinical Academic Training Office (CATO)
Luis Pererira Senior Academic Developer
Vanessa Powell Director of Education Management
Dr Jeffrey Vernon Faculty Senior Tutor
Lorraine Bayfield Assistant Registrar (Quality Assurance and Enhancement)
TBC / TBC** Graduate Student Union Academic Welfare Officer (PGT)

*A Departmental Academic lead and department administrative lead is required for each meeting and in case of absence, the alternate representative should attend instead.

**The Graduate Student Union Academic Welfare Officer is (or representative) is required for each meeting.

Meeting dates and deadlines

Committee dates (Academic year 2022/23)Submission deadlines (Academic year 2022/23)
28 September 2022 14 September 2022
07 December 2022 22 November 2022
18 January 2023 04 January 2023
08 February 2023 25 January 2023
15 February 2023 01 February 2023
05 April 2023 22 March 2023
21 June 2023 07 June 2023
Summary of the table's contents

 Agenda items (including papers) should be submitted to the committee secretary two weeks prior to the committee meeting. Papers will normally be circulated to members one week prior to the committee meeting. 


Academic year 2018/19


Academic year 2017/18