COVID-19 - updates and guidance

Travel from mainland China

The UK government has introduced different rules if you travel to England from mainland China.  

From 5 January 2023, you will need to take a COVID-19 test no more than 2 days before you travel. This applies to all direct and indirect flights originating from mainland China. 

View the full guidance  

The latest information on Imperial's response to COVID-19

Guidance reviewed January 2023
Page last updated on Tuesday 17 January 2023

Please protect yourself and others and: 

  • Wear face coverings in crowded areas 
  • Stay at home if you have symptoms of respiratory disease 
  • Get fully vaccinated 
  • Cover your coughs and sneezes 
  • Respect personal space. 

Please follow the UK government guidance for any areas not covered by College guidance. 

Wear face coverings in crowded areas 

We encourage all members of our community to continue wearing face coverings indoors, especially in crowded, enclosed spaces, unless you are exempt.    

Stay at home if you don’t feel well 

If you are displaying symptoms of respiratory disease, or have tested positive for COVID-19, don't come onto our campuses. Instead, work or study remotely if you are well enough and able to do so. 

You should follow the government guidance and try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people. 

Staff who do not have work that can be done remotely should take sick leave. COVID-19 sick leave for staff should be recorded in Teamseer using the ‘Sick - Coronavirus’ category. Sick leave logged in this way may not be taken into account under the College’s sickness absence management (Bradford Score) triggers. 

Students living in College halls of residence can request an LFD test kit from their halls team if they display COVID symptoms, while stocks last.

LFD tests for COVID-19 are available to purchase at cost from the ICU shops and the libraries across our campuses. 

View more information on what to do if you have symptoms, test positive, or are a close contact of someone who has tested positive.

Get fully vaccinated 

We are very strongly encouraging vaccination, including boosters. Vaccination is free for everyone in the UK, including international students. Find out more about booking vaccinations and boosters on the NHS website

Cover your coughs and sneezes 

Covering coughs and sneezes will help reduce the spread of particles carrying COVID-19 and other viruses. 

Respect personal space 

For the comfort and wellbeing of others, please respect people’s wishes for extra space where possible.   

Additional guidance 

  • For staff who have underlying health issues which make you clinically vulnerable or extremely vulnerable to COVID-19 infection, you can ask your manager to explain the measures taken to control risk in your area. Individual risk assessments can be carried out where appropriate. Occupational Health accepts referrals from managers for employees who have concerns about their personal medical vulnerability after reviewing the risk assessment.