Rigaku MicroMax-007
Standard operation
The X-rays are normally run at 40 kV and 30 mA, with a pressure of lower than 150. The pressure display also serves up error codes when the instrument fails. The number will then flash, and an alarm might sound.
For extended periods of no use (e.g. Christmas), the generator should be run at 20 kV and 10 mM. This is better than turning it off completely. Set current and voltage with the arrow keys underneath the LEDs.
Water cooler
The anode of the X-ray generator is cooled by a Haskris WW01 water chilling unit located underneath the MAR side of the system. When the chilled water supply fails in the building, the temperatur in the circulating water reservoir will increase until the trigger point of 20°C is reached. The chiller will stop operating, an alarm will sound, and the X-rays will shut down. If that happens, the facility manage will take the following steps:
- Report failure of the chilled water supply to the FM help desk
- Power the generator down by pressing the black OFF button behind the door below the control panel
- Wait for the chilled water supply to be restored (room gets cold)
- Restart the X-rays.