News archive
29th December 2014
Prof. Sergei Kazarian has been elected as a foreign member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia (link) at its General Assembly held on 27 December 2014.
18th November 2014
Dr. James Kimber and Prof. Sergei Kazarian have published two papers with industrial collaborators on applications of macro ATR-FTIR imaging. One with BASF studying latex film drying (doi) and the other with AbbVie investigating drug release from hot-melt extrudates (doi). The former paper also acknowledges a recent Platform Grant on “Multiscale Analysis of Complex Interfacial Phenomena (MACIPh)”
10th November 2014
Congratulations to two former UG students (Jing Li and Ling Qiao Li) and former PhD student (Patrick Wray) with their paper “Combined Study of Biphasic and Zero Order Release with Dissolution Tests and ATR-FTIR Spectroscopic Imaging” (doi), which was selected by the Editors of the Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences to be featured on the journal’s website for the next 3 months under “Editors’ Picks” due to the article's particularly original and significant scientific findings (link).
9th October 2014
Dr. James Kimber and Professor Sergei Kazarian have published an article in Spectroscopy titled "Macro ATR-FT-IR Spectroscopic Imaging of Dynamic Processes", summarising developments and higlights of macro-ATR imaging in the group over the past decade (link).
15th September 2014
Congratulations to Dr. Kirsty Gibson who co-authored a book chapter in Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, "Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (TERS)" (doi).
Congratulations also to Dr. Maxime Boulet-Audet for publishing an article titled: "High-Throughput Thermal Stability Analysis of a Monoclonal Antibody by Attenuated Total Reflection FT-IR Spectroscopic Imaging” in Analytical Chemistry. This article is Open Access (doi). The research was done in collaboration with Dr. Bernadette Byrne of the Department of Life Sciences with funding from the Bioprocessing Research Industry Club (BRIC).
1st August 2014
Prof. Kazarian has delivered an invited lecture "Enhancing Studies of Objects of Cultural Heritage with Spectroscopic Imaging" at the Gordon Research Conference on Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research (2014) (link).
1st July 2014
We welcome Alessandra Vichi to our group to do a PhD on "Applications of spectroscopic imaging to polymeric materials and objects of cultural heritage".
9th June 2014
Congratulations to Dr. Anton Gabrienko for publication of an article: “Correlation between Asphaltene Stability in n-Heptane and Crude Oil Composition revealed with in situ Chemical Imaging”” in Adsorption Science & Technology. (doi), which became available for Open Access and was made Cover article of the corresponding issue of this journal. This research was done in collaboration with Boreskov Institute of Catalysis (Novosibirsk) and BP.
6th June 2014
Congratulations to Prof. Sergei Kazarian for being elected as a Fellow of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy.
2nd June 2014
Congratulations to Andrew Ewing for publication of an article: “Swellable, Water- and Acid-Tolerant Polymer Sponges for Chemoselective Carbon Dioxide Capture” in Journal of the American Chemical Society (doi) This research was done in collaboration with University of Liverpool.
Andrew has also published a recent article “Stability of Indomethacin with Relevance to Release from Amorphous Solid Dispersions Studied with ATR-FTIR Spectroscopic Imaging” in European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (doi).
14th May 2014
Dr. Anna Sroka-Bartnicka has joined our group from Medical University of Lublin as a Research Associate for 6 months funded by the ERC Advanced Grant "Enhancing microfabricated devices with chemical imaging for novel chemical technology".
8th April 2014
The group has been selected to present it's research at Imperial Festival 2014 in the Research Zone, showcasing our work to other academics and members of the public (link). The festival runs on the 9th and 10th of May (link).
2nd March 2014
The group is now involved in a newly formed network funded by the EPSRC "Clinical Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy for Medical Diagnosis”
5th February 2014
Congratulations to Stefanie Glassford for her review article “Recent applications of ATR FTIR spectroscopy and imaging to proteins” published in BBA – Proteins and Proteomics (2013) 1834, 2849-2858 which became available for Free Access
8th January 2014
Congratulations to Dr. Anton Gabrienko for publication an article “In situ chemical imaging of asphaltene precipitation from crude oil induced by n-heptane” in Energy & Fuels. (doi). This research is supported by Skolkovo Foundation and BP.
17th December 2013
Congratulations to Stefanie Glassford, who has successfully passed viva for her PhD thesis “Applications of ATR-FTIR spectroscopic imaging to proteins”
1st October 2013
Maxime Boulet-Audet has joined the group to research on the BBSRC-funded BRIC grant “Application of ATR-FTIR imaging to industrial scale production of therapeutic antibodies”
1st October 2013
Dr. James Kimber has re-joined the group to work on the ERC advanced grant “Enhancing microfabricated devices with chemical imaging for novel chemical technology”
30th August 2013
Congratulations to Dr Satoko Tanimoto who was awarded an Analytical Methods poster prize at the 7th International Conference on Advance Vibrational Spectroscopy (ICAVS7) for her work on "Micro ATR-FTIR Spectroscopic Imaging for Cultural Heritage Samples"
1st July 2013
Congratulations to Stefanie Glassford, who won two awards at the Chemical Engineering Research Symposium for her presentation on "Applications of ATR-FTIR spectroscopic imaging to proteins"
1st February 2013
A tutorial review entitled "ATR-FTIR spectroscopic imaging: recent advances and applications to biological systems" by Sergei Kazarian and Andrew Chan has been published in Analyst (doi), it was featured in the back cover of the journal and since March 2013, our tutorial review in Analyst has been the "Most read" article.
Dr. James Kimber is awarded this year’s Dudley Newitt Prize for Theoretical/Computational Excellence. The prize is awarded for “a PhD thesis of exceptional merit demonstrated by theoretical/ computational excellence and presentation” and will be presented at the Newitt Lecture to be held in the Department on 13 February 2013.
Dr. Kirsty Gibson has joined our group from University of Strathclyde in January 2013 as a Research Associate funded by the ERC Advanced Grant "Enhancing microfabricated devices with chemical imaging for novel chemical technology".
13th November
Professor Sergei Kazarian delivered an invited talk at the SPEC 2012 Shedding New Light on Disease entitled “Effect of dispersion and refraction of light on FTIR spectroscopic images obtained in transmission through infrared windows”
Interview with Sergei Kazarian has appeared in Spectroscopy magazine, following the publication of an article there: Link to Article
Andrew Ewing has joined the group as a PhD student from the University of Leicester for research project on "Spectroscopic imaging of drug release"
Professor Kazarian gave an invited lecture at the 23rd International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy entitled “Spectroscopic imaging at nanoscale with tip-enhanced Raman scattering”
Professor Sergei Kazarian has been appointed as an Associate Editor of Applied Spectroscopy; he is also a member of the Editorial Board of Vibrational Spectroscopy.
Dr. Jennifer Dougan has joined the group in June 2012 as a Research Associate funded by the ERC Advanced Grant "Enhancing microfabricated devices with chemical imaging for novel chemical technology".
We are pleased to announce that on the 26th June 2012 we will be holding a one day conference at Imperial College London under the auspices of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy (SAS ) UK Regional Section entitled:
“FT-IR Spectroscopic Imaging: New Trends and Emerging Applications";
24th January
Congratulations to Stefanie Glassford with her very first paper accepted in Langmuir entitled “Chemical imaging of protein adsorption and crystallisation on a wettability gradient surface” (doi)
4th November
The Research Group was recently invited by the British Embassy in Russia to showcase our research at the 2011 All Russia Science Festival. This was a great opportunity to present our work to members of the Russian public, schoolchildren and other scientists. The event was a great success and ran from the 7th to 9th of October attracting over 350 thousands visitors across 80 locations in Moscow.
Whilst there, we took part in two Innovation Roundtables hosted by the British Embassy which were attended by prominent Russian scientists and the media. Find out more about this at the British Embassy's website and on the Chemical Engineering departmental Blog.
12th June
A recent article by Andrew Chan and Sergei Kazarian "Tip-enhanced Raman mapping with top-illumination AFM" published 16 March 2011 in Nanotechnology has been downloaded over 250 times by the end of May 2011. This article has also recently been featured on
28th February
"Micro- and macro-attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy" by Kazarian and Chan, published in Applied Spectroscopy (May 2010) was the Journal's most downloaded article in 2010 .
28th February
Dr. Alina Zoladek joined the group in January 2011 as a Research Associate funded by the 2008 ERC Advanced Grant “Enhancing microfabricated devices with chemical imaging for novel chemical technology.
1st January
A recent paper by Dr Andrew Chan and Professor Sergei Kazarian, Finding a needle in a chemical haystack: tip-enhanced Raman scattering for studying carbon nanotubes mixtures” published in Nanotechnology recently has been featured on
12th October
Dr. Ian Silverwood joined the group in October 2010 as a Research Associate on the EPSRC-funded project “Nano-structured Catalysts for CO2 Reduction to Fuels”. Details of the Grant can be found on the EPSRC website.
The Resource page is now live, containing information about Spectroscopic Imaging and material from the recent Royal Society Summer Exhibition.
Earlier News
Dr Feng Tay successfully completed his EPSRC PhD Plus fellowship in Autumn 2010.
Dr. Satoko Tanimoto was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship by the Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) in the summer of 2010 to work in our group on the project "Advancing heritage science with spectroscopic imaging". This fellowship is jointly funded by AHRC and EPSRC in the interdisciplinary Science and Heritage Programme. The project partners in this project are the British Museum and the National Gallery, London.
Professor Sergei Kazarian was awarded a European Research Council Advanced Grant in 2008, to fund reseach into “Enhancing microfabricated devices with chemical imaging for novel chemical technology" for 5 years.
What is our ERC Advanced Research Grant About?
Sergei Kazarian led a team that was awarded Rector’s Research Excellence Award 2007 for research on “Imaging nanostructures and hierarchical materials assembly” (Reporter 13 December 2007 • Issue 185, page 5)