Students in the CDT on TSM are actively involved in promoting science and sharing their passion with the general public through various outreach activities.
The outreach program was one of the highlights during my first year in the CDT. It was a lot of fun, and has given me the skills necessary to deliver effective and engaging presentations to different audiences—ranging from school students to senior academics."
Aeneas Wiener
PhD student in the CDT
These range from producing educational materials and filming engaging science demonstrations, to writing and presenting talks for various audiences. Besides informing the public of TSM research, these projects educate TSM students in communicating complex ideas - a crucial skill in any academic career.
The students are trained and guided through their public engagement events by the outreach officer Dr Simon Foster.
The 'visualised' series
In this series, students from the TSM CDT present parts of their research through interactive simulations that run in the browser. Using simple controls, you will be able to get a hands-on feel for the types of problems that students in our centre are working on. So far, the following visualisations are available:
- Musab Khawaja's visualisation of Spinodal decomposition
- Vincent Chen's visualisation of the Ising Model
- Max Boleininger's visualisation of Solitons
- Fabian Renn's visualisation of Time-Varying Discrete Fourier-Transforms
- Anthony Lim's visualisation of the Tight Binding model for Graphene
Note: to run these simulations you will need the latest version of the Mathematica CDF Player (a free browser plugin.)