Student welfare
There are a number of points of contact for students looking for non-academic help. For instance, if students are having problems with their supervisor, lecturers, their room mates, housing, ..., or just about anything, they can turn to a number of people or places. Many of these can be in strict confidence if required.
MSc students
Shortly after they arrive, we assign each MSc student a supervisor and they should be the first point of contact when any problems arise. Within the group the course director (Prof. Kelly Stelle) may be able to help with some matters or for pastoral issues the Physics Department Postgraduate Advisor (Dr Arnaud Czaja), may be able to help.
If the problem can not be resolved within the group then the department and college have many more places you can turn to. These are listed below.
PhD students
Within the group your PhD supervisor has both an academic and pastoral role and should be the first person to try. If for any reason you can not resolve this with your supervisor then the Academic Mentor may be able to help. In theoretical physics this is Prof. Jonathan Halliwell. The academic mentor (despite the name) is not there for academic supervison but provides the PhD students in the theory group with pastoral care. The Academic Mentor is an additional person with whom to consult informally. Again this can be in total confidence if needed.
If the issue can not be resolved within the group then the department and college provide many other places to look for help, as listed below.
Help outside the group
Each department has a postgraduate tutor who is not too closely associated with any one Master’s programme or research group. The physics department provides tutors of boths sexes, see the the Physics postgraduate web pages for names of current tutors. Again you can approach the department postgraduate tutors for help and advice in confidence.
Various other sources of help are available college wide. Check the QFFF MSc handbook, the Imperial Study Guides for Master's Students or the Physics postgraduate web pages for further information and points of contact. These include links to the Disabilities Officer, the Student Union Welfare Officer. These sources also have lots of information about administrative details (deadlines and requirements for the PhD etc.) as well as things like dealing with stress, finances, expectations of students and supervisors, and so forth.
Finally for health specific issues (mental or physical) try the Imperial College Health Centre on Princes Gardens for self-help or further professional advice on a wide range of subjects.