Centre history
The Centre for Systems Engineering and Innovation
The Centre for Systems Engineering and Innovation is a Faculty of Engineering initiative, located in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Imperial College London. Since its inception the Centre has been at the forefront of research, teaching and engagement on systems engineering and innovation, driven by a strong ambition to bring systems approaches to civil infrastructure.
2020 – CSEI 10 Year Celebration and Agenda to 2030
In 2020 the Centre celebrates 10 years of systems engineering and innovation research, teaching, engaging with industry and outreach. Join our online celebration in July 2020, and look out for the launch of our 10 year report in October 2020. Explore our emerging research on Complexity and Resilience; Systems Integration; Data-Driven Systems Engineering; Transforming Construction; Infrastructure Lifecycles; and Net Zero Pollution.
2019 – CSEI Leadership in Systems Engineering and Construction
Highlights of 2019 include:
- CSEI Systems Engineering Leadership CPD, run every 6 months, working with companies including Laing O’Rourke, Mott Macdonald, Arup, Costain, Arup, WSP and TfL. Mott MacDonald, and UKCRIC, University of Bristol and University of Twente
- SEI 2019 Industry Showcase Event, at Institution of Civil Engineers with keynotes from Heathrow Airport and Network Rail, and presentations on our latest research, e.g. on construction productivity, linked data, and computer vision
- CSEI Director, Professor Jennifer Whyte joins Construction Leadership Council main board
2018 – Championing Building Safely and Transforming Construction
Highlights of 2018 include:
- CSEI 2018 Industry Showcase Event at Imperial College London, with keynotes from Dame Judith Hackitt (on post-Grenfell Building Safely review of Construction) and David Hancock (Infrastructure and Projects Authority, Treasury, UK Government) and presentations of our latest research, e.g. on a Toolkit for Systems Engineering in Infrastructure
- CSEI set-up Transforming Construction Network plus, which is a network of academics and industry partners that aims to bring the research base with the industry in transforming construction (UCL led, with Imperial College London and Warwick Manufacturing Group).
- CSEI Director, Professor Jennifer Whyte gives evidence on Off-site manufacturing for construction to the Lords Science and Technology Committee inquiry and joins the Transforming Construction Advisory Group
2017 – Shaping Infrastructure Research
Highlights of 2017 include:
- CSEI 2017 First Industry Showcase Event at Imperial College London, with keynotes
- CSEI Distinguished Lecture from Professor Ray Levitt, Stanford University
- First CSEI annual small projects, which now runs every year
2016 - A Growing Research Centre
Highlights of 2016 include:
- CSEI Director, Professor Jennifer Whyte gives Inaugural ‘Starting with the End in Mind’ attended senior members of College and by industry, including Laing O’Rourke, Mott Macdonald, Bentley Systems, TfL, EDF Energy, Tideway, Network Rail, Heathrow and others
- Laing O’Rourke, Mott Macdonald, Bentley Systems and the Project Production Institute join as members of the Centre
2015 – Royal Academy of Engineering work on Systems Integration
Highlights of 2015 include:
- Laing O’Rourke / Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Systems Integration held by incoming CSEI Director, Professor Jennifer Whyte
- Professor David Fisk becomes Executive Director of the Centre
2014 – CSEI Developing Systems Engineering Leaders and Building Services
Highlights of 2014 include:
- CSEI Director, Professor David Fisk provides evidence to the House of Commons Select Committee on Energy and Climate Change’s inquiry into the effectiveness of the Low Carbon Innovation Co-ordination Group.
- Fourth Cohort on MSc in Systems Engineering and Innovation
2013 – Third Cohort on MSc in Systems Engineering and Innovation
Highlights of 2013 include:
- Third Cohort on MSc in Systems Engineering and Innovation
- Professor Ochieng and Dr Angeloudis commence a project to help deliver better construction methods for nuclear power plants on a collaborative research project led by Laing O’Rourke.
- Dr Robert Vollum leads work with Laing O’Rourke on construction joints, with Jean Paul Vella joining
- CSEI Inaugural Distinguished Lecture
2012 – Second Cohort on MSc in Systems Engineering and Innovation
Highlights of 2012 include:
- Second Cohort on MSc in Systems Engineering and Innovation
- CSEI Director, Professor David Fisk, elected Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) President
- Imperial College London hosted the CIBSE/ASHRAE Technical Symposium on Building Systems and Services in the 21st Century.
2011 – First Cohort on MSc in Systems Engineering and Innovation
Highlights of 2011 include the first MSc cohort joins Imperial College London on the new MSc in Systems Engineering and Innovation in CSEI
2010 – CSEI Partnership between Laing O’Rourke and Imperial College London
CSEI was created following an agreement between Laing O’Rourke and Imperial College London signed in September 2010. It is hosted within the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and is a Faculty of Engineering Initiative