Since 2015, there have been joint research activities between the University of São Paulo (USP) and Imperial College London. The Institutes are currently working together to develop a formal bilateral representation which will include an exchange and access to dedicated space and facilities at both institutes.

The two Institutes are already developing joint scientific research and promoting the exchange of Professors and researchers in the areas of Engineering, Energy, Petroleum and Natural Gas, and Capture and Storage of carbon dioxide.  Below are some examples of how the Sustainable Gas Institute are working with USP.

Research Centre for Gas Innovation (RCGI)

The FAPESP SHELL Research Centre for Gas Innovation (RCGI), a Centre of Excellence in gas research and partner with the SGI, was launched in December 2015. The Centre is a collaboration between the University of São Paulo (USP), Royal Dutch Shell and FAPESP (State of São Paulo Research Foundation).

The Centre is based at USP’s Polytechnic School and is led by Professor Julio Meneghini. RCGI LogoRCGI has a mission to be a world-class centre for excellence for research in the current and future use of natural gas with programmes focussing on engineering; physical chemistry; energy policy and economics; and carbon dioxide (CO2) abatement.

More than 46 technology projects are underway, covering a range of technology readiness levels and addressing opportunities for

natural gas in diverse application domains including shipping, chemical conversion and CO2 abatement.

Conference on gas sustainability and innovation: SGRI

Since September 2016, the Sustainable Gas Institute (SGI) and the Research Centre for Gas Innovation (RCGI) have hosted an annual conference in natural gas sustainability in São Paulo, Brazil.

The Sustainable Gas Research Innovation (SGRI) conference gives an opportunity for both institutes to meet; share knowledge, exchange ideas, gain insight, and showcase expertise to fully understand the role of natural gas in the global energy landscape.