Past Projects
The Sustainable Gas Institute has worked with a wide range of organisations in a number of different countries over the last nine years.
Case Studies
With Cadent, the SGI is investigating the potential use of networked hydrogen for fuel cell transport applications. This involves understanding the costs associated with the hydrogen purification challenge.
Committee on Climate Change (CCC)
The Institute produced a report with Element Energy on how much the UK fossil fuel industry can help us to decarbonise. Findings from the report were included in the 2019 ‘Net Zero – The UK’s contribution to stopping global warming’ report.
Decarbonised Gas Alliance (DGA)
The Institute is a signatory member of DGA, an alliance of gas producers, transporters, suppliers and users, hydrogen and carbon capture experts, alongside R&D, supply chain and local government specialists whose knowledge and expertise will be vital in decarbonising the UK’s gas system and improving poor air quality.
The Methane Environment and Policy (MEP) team explored the impact of methane on the climate and the uncertainty surrounding our estimates of methane emissions. The study also looked at the environmental impact of different shipping fuels including LNG. Findings from the work have been included in two papers.
Energy Networks Association and Navigant
We provided an expert academic review of the Energy Network Associations forthcoming gas network strategy. This strategy is being produced by the consultancy, Navigant.
This collaborative research study explores ways of increasing the sustainability of petrochemical production and analysed future global markets. A paper will be published in the Summer of 2019.
Methane Guiding Principles
SGI are founding members and are contributing to delivering an Executive Education Programme for oil and gas companies to reduce their methane emissions. The programme will start in the Autumn of 2019.
Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI)
The MEP team helped to quantify and analyse the methane emissions from OGCI member’s natural gas supply chains. The findings fed into the global methane intensity target.
Royal Dutch Shell is the founding partner and main funder for the Institute. We have worked closely with Shell on several projects and in the delivery of our white papers.
University of British Columbia
The Clean Energy Research Centre at the University of British Columbia contributed to the SGI's fourth white paper. The chapter examined lifecycle GHG emissions from shipping.
University of Santiago
The Institute is currently working with the University of Santiago examining how to use agriculture and food waste for energy as part of a NERC-SEEDCORN grant.
World Bank
The World Bank is assessing the potential role of natural gas as a cleaner alternative in improving air quality in (urban) areas in India. Among other aspects, the activity will analyze latent natural gas demand from large industrial users and to some extent medium-sized users in industrial clusters in Maharashtra. The proposed activity aims to identify and analyze hurdles for end users to switch from liquid fuel to natural gas in the current regulatory and business environment. The goal is to identify opportunities to apply best practices from elsewhere in policy, technology, and financing to take away these hurdles. The role of the SGI is to apply the MUSE framework to do behavioral economic modelling. Data is collected by ICF International, Inc.