White Paper 5: The Flexibility of gas – what is it worth?
What is the evidence on the flexibility value that gas vectors and gas networks can provide to support the future energy system?
There is an increasing debate regarding the use of gas networks in providing support for the decarbonisation of energy systems.
The perceived value of gas “vectors” – encompassing natural gas, hydrogen and biomethane – is that they may provide flexibility, helping to support daily and seasonal variation in energy demand, and increasingly intermittent electricity supply as renewable electricity generation increases as a proportion of the electricity mix.
Arguments in support of gas suggest that electricity systems will find it difficult to maintain flexibility on their own, whilst also reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing production to meet new demand for heating and transport. Gas, on the other hand, is expected to provide flexibility at relatively low cost, and may be produced and used with relatively low greenhouse gas emissions.
White Paper 5 investigates the evidence surrounding the flexibility provided by gas and gas networks and the cost of, and value provided by gas to the future energy system.
Webinar: The Flexibility of Gas: What is it Worth?
18/09 - Low-cost gas network flexibility in a low-carbon world - Energy Futures Lab
Launch Event
The white paper was launched at a live webinar on 20 July 12:00-13:00. Insights from the new report were presented by the main author Dr Jamie Speirs (Imperial College London). His presentation was followed by commentary and a live Q&A discussion with panel members Camilla Palladino (Snam) and Professor Pierluigi Mancarella (Melbourne Energy Institute). The event was chaired by Dr Adam Hawkes and Professor Nigel Brandon (Imperial College London).
21/07 Launch of SGI White Paper 5 – The flexibility of Gas: What is it Worth? - Imperial College London
24/07/20 Gas Networks - News from the College - Imperial College London