Group News
June 2020
As lockdown measures begin to ease, SPEL is starting up with lab-based research once more.
April 2020
Following advice from the college, SPEL has ceased lab activity until the appropriate lockdown measures are lifted. Until then, SPEL continues to work remotely.
March 2020
SPEL congratulates our own Paola A. Saenz Cavazos for her highly commended entry for the UNESCO world engineering day 2020, on material characterisation for carbon capture.
December 2019
Congratulations to Dr Pavani Cherukupally, whose work on an oil-catching sponge has been published in Nature Sustainability.
September 2019
Congratulations to Dr Arnold Duralliu, whose newest paper on Inverse Gas Chromatography has been published. Arnold has since passed his viva and SPEL wishes him every success in the future.
August 2019
SPEL says a fond goodbye to Post-docs Dr. Sarah Hedberg and Dr. Jonathan Palmer. We wish them all the best in their new ventures.
August 2019
SPEL celebrates summer heatwave with picnic at the park.
July 2019
Congratualtions to Professor Daryl R Williams for receiving the IChemE Geldart Medal. More Photos of SPEL members at the particle technology forum 2019 at Edinburgh.
July 2019
Congratulations to Fatemeh Alemi for winning the IChemE Young Researcher award in the particle technology forum 2019 at Edinburgh.
July 2019
Arnold Duralliu, Dr. Paul Matejtschuk and Dr. Daryl Williams have published an article: The influence of the closure format on the storage stability and moisture content of freeze-dried influenza antigen in Vaccine Journal (DOI).
June 2019
Arnold Duralliu, Dr. Paul Matejtschuk and Dr. Daryl Williams have published an article: "Measuring the specific surface area (SSA) of freeze-dried biologics using inverse gas chromatography" in European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics (DOI). Congratulations for winning NIBSC directors paper of the month award.
February 2019
Congratulations to Professor Daryl Williams and Surface Measurement Systems for winning the prestigious EEF Future Manufacturing Award for Innovation (Link).
February 2019
Congratulations to Dr. Sabiyah Ahmed for successfully completing her PhD viva.
Januray 2019
SPEL celebrates celebrates international food day.
December 2018
Spel group celebrates thier annual christmas dinner at The Shed.
September 2018
SPEL welcomes two new PhD members Paola A. Sáenz Cavazos and Sean McIntyre as well as a new Post-Doc Dr. Chao Yuan.
September 2018
Congratulations to Dr. Naima Ali for successfully completing her PhD viva.
June 2018
Congratulations to PhD student Jona Ramadani for being awarded the 2018 SCI Messel Scholarship (Link)
May 2018
Congratualations to Daryl Williams for being awarding the title of professorship by Imperial College London.
15 February 2018
Dr. Sarah Hedberg and Dr. Daryl Williams have published an article: 'Mapping the mAb Aggregation Propensity Using Self-Interaction Chromatography as a Screening Tool" in Analytical Chemistry. (DOI)
1 February 2018
Arnold Duralliu, Dr. Paul Matejtschuk and Dr. Daryl Williams have published an article: 'Humidity induced collapse in freeze dried cakes: A direct visualization study using DVS" in European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics. (DOI)
1 December 2017
Spel group celebrates thier annual christmas dinner at RAF Picadilly Club.
23 November 2017
Congratulations to Dr. Sihe Wang for succesfully defending his PhD thesis. Good luck to his future endeavour.
23 November 2017
Congratulations to Dr. Jonathan Palmer for succesfully defending his PhD thesis. He has transitioned into a Research Asccoiate position at Imperial College London.
1 October 2017
Welcome to Elwin Hunter Sellars, Jona Ramadani, Susannah Molisso and Fatemeh Alemi starting their PhD at Spel group.
27 September 2017
Congratulations to Dr. Karolina Biegaj for succesfully defending her PhD thesis. Good luck to her future endeavour.
23 August 2017
Congratulations to Dr. Sarah Hedberg for succesfully defending her PhD thesis: "Predicting and controlling aggregation for mAbs during Bioprocessing". She has transitioned into a Research Asccoiate position at Imperial College London.
15 June 2017
Congratulations to Dr. Clarence Chumf or succesfully defending her PhD thesis on Protein Crytallisation. Good luck to her future endeavour.
1 December 2016
Spel group celebrates thier annual christmas dinner at RAF Picadilly Club.
1 October 2016
Welcome to Dilip Sehi starting his PhD at Spel Group.
1 Novemeber 2015
Welcome to Arnold Durraliu starting his PhD in Stability of Freeze-dried Biologics.
1 October 2015
Welcome to Mark-Antonin Isbel starting his PhD in Investigating interfacial phenomena with the Quartz Crystal Microbalance.
16 September 2015
Congratulations Dr. Kyra Campbell for being awarded the Dorothy Hodgin Fellowship for her research on "Understanding Corrosion with In situ Electrochemistry and Spectroscopy".
15 August 2015
Sarah Hedberg, Dr. Jerry Heng and Dr. Daryl Williams have published an article: 'Self-Interaction Chromatography of mAbs: Accurate Measurement of Dead Volumes" in Pharmaceutical Research. (Author Web Link)
10 August 2015
Dr. Daryl Williams has published an article: 'The second virial coefficient as a predictor of protein aggregation propensity: A self-interaction chromatography study" in European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics.
10 August 2015
Dr. Jerry Heng and Dr. Daryl Williams have published an article: 'Preparation and Characterisation of 3D Nanotemplates for Protein Crystallisation" in Powder Technology, Vol: 282, Pages, 10-18, ISSN: 0032-5910. (Author Web Link)
7 August 2015
Congratulations to Niklas Henning Jahn on his successful defence for his doctoral thesis on "Hydration Phenomena in Concentrated Protein Solutions". His research was sponsored by BBSRC and Procter and Gamble. Good luck to his future endeavour.
6 August 2015
Congratulations to Sabiyah Ahmed who has successfully passed her Early Stage Assessment for her PhD research on 'Monoclonal Antibodies Crystallisation'.
17 July 2015
Dr. Jerry Heng has published an article: 'Establishing template-induced polymorphic domains for API crystallisation: the case of carbamazepine" in CrystEngComm, Vol: 17, Pages, 6384-6392.
14 July 2015
Dr. Daryl Williams has delivered a talk at Crossroads of Particle Science and Technology Forum, University of Leeds entitled 'Water Vapour Sorption in Amorphous Protein Powders".
14 July 2015
Eftychios Hadjittofis has delivered a talk at Crossroads of Particle Science and Technology Forum, University of Leeds entitled 'Towards Accurate Predictions of Surface Heterogeneity: Phase Transitions on the Surface of Energetically Anisotropic Crystalline Materials".
14 July 2015
Roland Ngeow has delivered a talk at Crossroads of Particle Science and Technology Forum, University of Leeds entitled 'The Surface Free Energies of Silanised Silica Particle and Their Influence on Mechanical Properties in sSBR/BR Compounds".
30 June 2015
Dr. Daryl Williams has published an article: 'Separation of Transition Metals and Chelated Complexes in Wastewaters' in Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy, Vol: 34, 3, Pages, 761-783, ISSN: 1944-7442 . (Author Web Link)
31 May 2014
Congratulations to Dr. Jerry Heng for publication of an article: 'Heterogeneous Nucleants for Crystallogenesis and Bioseparation' in Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, Vol: 8, Pages, 69-75, ISSN: 2211-3398. (DOI)
27 May 2015
Congratulations to Eftychios, who has successfully passed his Early Stage Assessment for his PhD research on 'Surface Characterisation of Organic Solids'.
11 May 2015
Congratulations to Robert Smith on his successful defence for his doctoral thesis on 'Surface Energy Heterogeneity Mapping of Pharmaceutical Solids by Inverse Gas Chromatography'. Good luck to his future endeavour.
8 May 2015
Congratulations to Yan Wang on his successful defence for his doctoral thesis on 'Novel Synthetic Calcium Oxide Based Sorbent for Carbon Dioxide Capture'. Good luck to his future endeavour.
31 March 2015
Dr. Jerry Heng has published an article: 'A Simple Method for Preparing Super-Hydrophobic Powder from Paper Sludge Ash” in Materials Letters, Vol: 142, Pages, 80-83, ISSN: 0167-577X. (Author Web Link)
31 Jan 2014
Dr. Jerry Heng has published an article: 'Decoupling the Contribution of Surface Energy and Surface Area on the Cohesion of Pharmaceutical Powders' in Pharmaceutical Research, Vol: 32, 1, Pages, 248-259, ISSN: 0724-8741. (Author Web Link)
17 November 2014
Dr. Daryl Williams has delivered a talk at the AIChE 2014 Annual Meeting entitled 'Experimental Measurement of the Cohesiveness of Fine Pharmaceutical Powders” and "Developing a New Undergraduate Laboratory Curriculum".
17 November 2014
Niklas Henning Jahn has delivered a talk at the AIChE 2014 Annual Meeting entitled 'Modeling Concentrated Protein Solutions - from Flory-Huggins Solution Theory to Modern Equation-of-State Based Approaches'.
17 November 2014
Sarah Hedberg has delivered a poster presentat ion at the AIChE 2014 Annual Meeting entitled 'Self-Interaction Chromatography (SIC) of mAbs: New Methods for Estimating the Dead Volume in SIC and Using SIC to Predict mAb Stability".
10 November 2014
Welcome Sabiyah Ahmed to SPEL group as PhD student for research on 'Crystallisation of mAbs for Downstream Purification and Separation', funded by EPSRC and Fuji Biofilm.
30 October 2014
Congratulations to Sharmila Devi a nd Dr. Daryl R. Williams for publication of an article: 'Density dependen t mechanical properties and structures of a freeze dried biopharmaceutical excipient - Sucrose' in European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, Vol: 88, ISSN: 0939-6411. (DOI)
30 October 2014
Congratulations to Karolina, who has successfully passed her Early Stage Assessment for her PhD research on pharmaceutical nanopowders.
1 October 2014
Dr. Andy Wang has joined our group as a Research Associate for 8 months funded by BMS for research on 'Understanding the Effects of Surface Properties on Adhesion'.
30 September 2014
Congratulation to Dr Jerry Heng for publication of an article: "A surface coating method to modify tracers for positron emission particletracking (PEPT) measurements of froth flotation” is published in Powder Technology Vol: 263, Pages: 26-30, ISSN: 0032-5910. (DOI)
25 September 2014
Congratulations to Sharmila on her successful defence for her doctoral thesis on 'Mechanical Characterisation of Freeze-Dried Biopharmaceuticals'. Good luck to her future endeavour.
19 June 2014
Congratulations to Robert R. Smith, Dr. Daryl R. Williams and Dr. Jerry Y. Y. Heng for publication of an article: 'A New Method to Determine Dispersive Surface Energy Site Distribution by Inverse Gas Chromatography” in Journal of Langmuir, American Chemical Society, Vol: 30, Pages: 8029-8035, ISSN: 0743-7463 (DOI).This rese arch was done in collaboration with Surface Measurement Systems Ltd., United States.