
Underpinned by state-of-the-art computational tools and recent major investments in our advanced structural testing and concrete durability laboratories, our research ranges from fundamental to applied aspects of structural engineering.

In addition to our work on new and improved structural forms and materials, a growing theme has been on the response of structures to extreme loading including work on blast-resistance, seismic behaviour and structural robustness. Our contribution in the areas of lifetime assessment, durability and long-term behaviour continue to expand, as does our work on structural biomechanics.

Our research has been funded by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the European Commission, Office of Naval Research (USA), DTI, NPL, CIRIA, the UK Highways Agency, BNFL, NIREX, London Underground Limited, Fosroc International and Lafarge.

Principal areas of research include:

  • Bridge Engineering
  • Composite Construction
  • Computational Mechanics
  • Concrete Durability
  • Concrete Materials
  • Concrete Structures
  • Earthquake Engineering
  • Extreme and Hazardous Loading
  • Steel Structures
  • Structural Biomechanics
  • Structural Dynamics
  • Structural Reliability
  • Structural Stability

Academic and research staff and their research interests

 Leroy Gardner

Leroy Gardner

Professor of Structural Engineering, PhD, DIC, CEng, FICE, FIStructE, FREng
Head of Structural Engineering Section
Structural testing; Numerical modelling and the development of design guidance for steel structures.
 Bassam Izzuddin

Bassam Izzuddin

Professor of Computational Structural Mechanics, PhD, DIC, MASCE, CEng, FIStructE, FREng
Nonlinear structural analysis; Finite element analysis; Extreme loading; Simplified modelling; Robustness and progressive collapse; Multi-scale modelling; Steel structures; Concrete structures; Glass structures.
Luke Louca

Luke Louca

Reader in Engineering Structures, PhD
Behaviour and design of structures subjected to explosions. 
 Lorenzo Maccorini

Lorenzo Macorini

Reader in Structural Engineering, PhD
Director of the MSc in General Structural Engineering 
Director of the MSc in Structural Steel Design
Masonry structures (numerical modelling, analysis under extreme loading, strengthening); Computational structural mechanics; Composite structures (long-term and collapse behaviour, seismic performance).
 Christian Malaga

Christian Malaga Chuquitaype

Senior Lecturer in Structures, PhD, DIC
Postdoc Champion
Earthquake engineering and structural dynamics; structural timber engineering and hybrid construction, resilient and smart structures; performance-based and multi-hazard structural design.
 Andrew Phillips

Andrew Phillips

Reader in Structural Biomechanics, PhD, CEng, MIMechE
Undergraduate Senior Tutor
Learning Threads Coordinator
Biomechanics, FE and inverse dynamics; Musculo-skeletal modelling; Blast biomechanics; Orthopaedic device assessment / design, Structural optimization. 
 Sunday Popo-Ola

Sunday Popo-Ola

Senior Research and Teaching Fellow, PhD, DIC, FHEA
Structural engineering and testing; Composite construction, Modern method of construction, Fixing and anchor technology; Cladding and façade technology; Indigenous materials; Structural modelling; BIM; CAD and expert witness.
 Andy Pullen

Andy Pullen

Senior Research Fellow
Department IC-TAP Representative
Structures, Structural materials; Blast and impact loading behaviour; Elements under impact; Extreme compressive stresses; Strain rate.
 Ana Ruiz-Teran

Ana Ruiz-Teran

Senior Lecturer in Bridge Engineering, PhD, CEng, MICE, FHEA
Director of MSc in Concrete Structures
Senior Tutor, Postgraduate Research
Bridge engineering; Structural engineering; Innovative types of cable-stayed bridges; Spatial arch bridges; Footbridges; Accidental breakage of stay cables; Prestressed concrete; Bridge design.
 Adam Sadowski

Adam Jan Sadowski

Senior Lecturer in Structural Engineering, PhD
Department GTA Coordinator
Senior Tutor, Postgraduate Taught
Thin and thick shell structures, stability of shells.
 Peter Stafford

Peter Stafford

Professor of Engineering Seismology, PhD
Department Careers Adviser
Quantitative risk analysis; Probabilistic methods in engineering seismology and earthquake engineering; Reliability theory. 

Margaret Szabo

Senior Teaching Fellow in Structures, PhD, FHEA
Undergraduate Year 3 Coordinator
Structural mechanics, structural design, biomechanics
 Robert Vollum

Robert Vollum

Professor of Structural Concrete, PhD, CEng, MIStructE
Director of EPSRC CDT Sustainable Civil Engineering
Long-term deflections of reinforced concrete slabs; Beam-column joints; Shear in beams; Punching shear; Numerical modelling of reinforced concrete structures; Strut and tie modelling; Control of early age thermal cracking.
 Ahmer Wadee

Ahmer Wadee

Professor of Nonlinear Mechanics, PhD, CMath, FIMA, CSci, MRI
Director of Postgraduate Research
Structural stability; Structural mechanics; Structural engineering; Laminated composite and layered materials; Steel structures; Sandwich structures; Nonlinear buckling theory; Applied mathematics; Structural failure; Solid mechanics.
Structures Academics A-Z
Structures Academics A-Z

Download our Departmental Research Brochure

Abobakr Elwakeel

Abobakr Elwakeel

Research Associate, PhD
Understanding the cracking behaviour of reinforced concrete elements subjected to the restraint of imposed strains
Email Abo

Qili Fang

Research Associate, PhD
Email Qili
 Stanyslav Grosman

Stanyslav Grosman

Research Associate, PhD
Nonlinear structural response; Finite element analysis; Robustness assessment; Meta modelling techniques; Masonry structures; Parametric design
Email Stanyslav

Cheng Huang

Research Associate, PhD
Email Cheng
Pinelopi Kyvelou

Pinelopi Kyvelou

Research Associate, PhD
Cold-formed steel structures
Email Pinelopi
 Anton Köllner

Anton Köllner

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellow, Dr.-Ing.
Project: Material damage and buckling instability: towards a unifying general theory (DamBuckler)
Applied Mechanics, Stability Theory, Material Damage, Composite Structures (FRPs)
Email Anton
 Xin Meng

Xin Meng

Research Associate, PhD
Email Xin

Alexandra Renouard

Research Associate, PhD
Email Alexandra
 Fiona Walport

Fiona Walport

Imperial Research Fellowship (ICRF), PhD
The design and analysis of steel and stainless steel structures by advanced inelastic analysis
Send email

Ruizhi Zhang

Research Associate, PhD 
Testing, simulation and optimisation of additively manufactured steel structures; Resilience of steel framed structures
Email Ruizhi
Structures Research Staff A-Z
Structures Academics A-Z

On-going postgraduate research

Aya Ahmed

Aya Ahmed

Started Sep 2019
Simulation and analysis of large-scale portal frames
Supervised by: Gardner, L.Walport, F.
Email Aya
Metin Bicer

Metin Bicer

Started Jan 2020
The use of machine learning in analysis of sport movements
Supervised by: Modensese, LPhillips, A.T.M.
Email Metin
 Javier Canada Perez-Sala

Javier Canada Perez-Sala

Started Oct 2018
Structural behaviour and design criteria of segmental high-speed railways bridges
Supervised by: Ruiz-Teran, A.
Email Javier
 Hao Chan

Hao Chan

Started May 2021
Design of steel structures by advanced analysis
Supervised by: Gardner, L.
Email Hao
Yiwei Chen

Yiwei Chen

Started Oct 2020
Finite element analysis under extreme loading
Supervised by: Izzuddin, B.A.
Email Yiwei
Matthew Chuo

Matthew Chuo

Started Oct 2018
Adaptive contact and cracking analysis of solid continuum structures
Supervised by: Izzuddin, B.A.
Email Matthew
Xiapeng Ding

Xiapeng Ding

Started Oct 2019
Seismic behaviour of nonstructural components
Supervised by: Elghazouli, A.Y.
Email Xiapeng
 Osama Eid

Osama Eid

Started Jan 2019
Strengthening reinforced concrete structures with ultra high performance concrete
Supervised by:  Vollum, R.L.Wong, H.S.
Email Osama
 Mohamed El Ashri

Mohamed El Ashri

Started February 2020
Advanced  Modelling of Masonry Arch Bridges
Supervised by: Macorini, L.Izzuddin, B.A.
Email Mohamed
Mohamed El-Zeadani

Mohamed El-Zeadani

Started Oct 2020
Mechanical and structural assessment of rubberised one-part geopolymer concrete
Supervised by:  Elghazouli, A.Y.; Bompa, D. 
Email Mohamed
Eknara Junda

Eknara Junda

Started Sep 2019
Seismic response estimation of timber buildings via machine learning methods
Supervised by: Malaga Chuquitaype, C.
Email Eknara
Lijithan Kathirkamanathan

Lijithan Kathirkamanathan

Started Oct 2021
Advanced analysis of wind turbine support towers
Supervised by: Sadowski, A.; Seidel, M. 
Email Lijithan
Zeyad Khalil

Zeyad Khalil

Started Oct 2021
Seismic performance and risk assessment of renewable energy structures
Supervised by: Elghazouli, A.Y.
Email Zeyad
Karim Khoury

Karim Khoury

Started Oct 2020
Restraint induced cracking in reinforced concrete walls and slabs
Supervised by: Vollum, R.L.Izzuddin, B.
Email Karim
Junxu Lai

Junxu Lai

Started Oct 2019
High-fidelity modelling of building structures for extreme loading
Supervised by: Izzuddin, B.A.
Email Junxu

Jin Li

Started Oct 2021
Metal 3D printing in construction and hybrid structures
Supervised by: Stafford, P.Gardner, L.
Email Jin
 Carlos Melchor Placencia

Carlos Melchor Placencia

Started Feb 2019
Advanced modelling of long-term effects in prestressed timber elements
Supervised by:  Malaga Chuquitaype, C.
Email Carlos
 Ayse Mujdeci

Ayse Mujdeci

Started Sept 2018
Inelastic behaviour of composite-steel rubberised concrete members
Supervised by: Elghazouli, A.Y.
Email Ayse
Ashraf Gamal Nayel

Ashraf Gamal Nayel

Started Jun 2021
Protection of heritage structures against extreme events using innovative protective structures
Supervised by: Malaga Chuquitaype, C.; Macorini, L.
Email Ashraf
Branimir Radukic

Branimir Radukic

Started Oct 2016
Prevention and treatment of fragilities fractures
Supervised by: Phillips, A.T.M.
Email Branimir
Harry Slack

Harry Slack

Started Oct 2019
Topology optimization with applications in wire and arc additive manufacturing
Supervised by: Wadee, M. A.Gardner, L.
Email Harry
 Nathan Vella

Nathan Vella

Started Jan 2016
Cold formed steel and timber composite structures
Supervised by: Gardner, L.
Email Nathan
Ben Weber

Ben Weber

Started Dec 2020
Wire and arc additive manufacturing in construction
Supervised by: Gardner, L.
Email Ben
 Eric (Zichang) Yang

Eric (Zichang) Yang 

Started Oct 2020
Design of steel structures by advanced analysis
Supervised by: Gardner, L.
Email Eric
Zeyu Wang 

Zeyu Wang

Started Jan 2020
Design of pile caps and related structures
Supervised by: Vollum, R.L.
Email Zeyu
Ziqian Xu

Ziqian Xu

Started Oct 2021
Advanced modelling of structures under extreme loading
Supervised by: Izzuddin, B.A.
Email Ziqian
 Faridah Zahra

Faridah Zahra

Started Jan 2020
Advanced seismic response of steel structures
Supervised by: Malaga Chuquitaype, C.
Email Faridah

Senyao Zhou

Started Mar 2022
Advanced modelling and nonlinear analysis of masonry structures under extreme loading
Supervised by: Macorini, L.Izzuddin, B.A.
Email Senyao
Structures Research Students A-Z
Structures Academics A-Z

Completed PhD Research


NameTitle and supervisor
Caillet, Arnault Neuromuscular modelling of skeletal muscle contraction from experimental mononeuronal activity
Supervised by: Modensese, LPhillips, A.T.M.Farina, D. 
Guo, Xi Metal 3D printed bolted connections
Supervised by: Gardner, L.
Liapopoulou, Maria Ultimate seismic response of steel framed structures
Supervised by: Elghazouli, A.Y.
Munoz Heinen, Luis A practical dynamic earthquake cycle model as part of a physics-based seismic hazard analysis framework
Supervised by: Stafford, P
Sio, Joao Design-oriented robustness assessment of reinforced concrete building structures
Supervised by: Izzuddin, B.A.
Sahin, Burak Seismic performance of composite steel/concrete moment resisting frames
Supervised by: Elghazouli, A.Y.
Zhu, Yufei Behaviour and design of high strength steel structural elements and frames
Supervised by: Gardner, L.


NameTitle and supervisor
Abu-Salma, Deema Ali Mahmoud Efficient strategy for modelling punching shear failure at edge and corner flat slab-column connections
Supervised by: Vollum, R.L.Macorini, L.
Algassem, Omar Ali S External reinforced concrete beam-column joints subjected to monotonic loading
Supervised by: Vollum, R.L.
Chen, Xi Seismic retrofitting of substandard frame buildings using steel shear walls
Supervised by: Macorini, L.Izzuddin, B.A.
Hajjar, Moemen Effective seismic retrofitting of substandard multi-storey buildings using shear walls
Supervised by: Izzuddin, B.A.
Huang, Cheng Material and structural behaviour of metal 3D printed elements
Supervised by: Gardner, L.
Lapira, Luke Instabilities in flat and warped panels under shear
Supervised by: Wadee, M.A.
Riedel, Kamil Achieving buildability and robustness in precast concrete structures
Supervised by: Vollum, R.L.Izzuddin, B.
Rood, Anna Validation and improvement of probabilistic seismic hazard analysis models using precariously balanced rocks
Supervised by: Stafford, P
Xie, Haochen Efficient modelling of RC walls for accurate simulations under earthquake loading
Supervised by:  Macorini, L.Izzuddin, B.A.
Zhang, Ruizhi Testing, simulation and optimisation of additively manufactured structural hollow sections
Supervised by: Gardner, L.


NameTitle and supervisor
Behzadi Sofiani, Behnam Stability and design of steel angle section members
Supervised by: Gardner, L.Wadee, M.A.
Bekele, Adam Enhancing energy absorption through metamaterial instabilities
As part of the CDT in Sustainable Civil Engineering
Supervised by: Phillips, A.T.M.
Filiagi, Marcus  Influence of loading arrangement on shear enhancement in reinforced concrete beams
Supervised by: Vollum, R.L.
Kaufmann, Joshua A combined computational and clinical approach to investigating bone health in lower-limb amputees
Supervised by: Phillips, A.T.M.
Kyprianou, Constantinos Sheathed cold-formed steel wall systems
As part of the CDT in Sustainable Civil Engineering
Supervised by: Gardner, L.
Leena, Kibriya Damage-avoidance self-centring steel rocking frames
Supervised by: Malaga Chuquitaype, C.
Quan, Chunyan Stability design of steel structures by second order inelastic analysis
Supervised by: Gardner, L.
Stephens, Robert Investigation of New and Novel Techniques of Accurately Measuring the Response of Structures to Short-Duration Loads
Supervised by: Louca, L.
Thiers Moggia, Rodrigo Seismic control of rocking structures using inerters
Supervised by: Malaga Chuquitaype, C.


NameTitle and supervisor
Bellamy, Laura Sustainable optimisation of construction
As part of the CDT in Sustainable Civil Engineering
Supervised by: Phillips, A.T.M.Malaga Chuquitaype, C.
Boyez, Adrien Towards an improved computational method of analysis for multi-segment shells of revolution
Supervised by: Sadowski, A.
Cedron Fernandez De Cordova, Francisco Seismic performance of single layer cylindrical lattice shells
Supervised by: Elghazouli, A.Y.
Elwakeel, Abobakr Design of D Regions in Reinforced Concrete
Supervised by: Vollum, R.L.
Fang, Qili Advanced interface modelling for 2D shell & 3D continuum problems
Supervised by: Izzuddin, B.A.
Favier, Clement Combined musculoskeletal and finite element modelling of the lumbar spine and lower limbs
Supervised by: Phillips, A.T.M.
Garcia Troncoso, Natividad Structural response and design criteria of footbridges with tuned mass dampers
Supervised by: Ruiz-Teran AMStafford, P.
Georgiadis, Konstantinos Structural behaviour and design criteria of under-deck cable supported footbridges 
Supervised by: Ruiz-Teran, A.Stafford, P.J.
Lyu, Zhan Design and structural response of under-deck cable-stayed timber-concrete composite (TCC) bridges
Supervised by: Malaga Chuquitaype, C.Ruiz-Teran AM
Meng, Xin Testing, simulation and design of high strength steel tubular elementss
Supervised by: Gardner, L.
Saari, Nadiah Binti Behaviour and design of structural steel cross-sections in fire
Supervised by: Gardner, L.
Soyemi, Adeleke An integrated approach to numerical modelling of metal fatigue crack propagation
Supervised by: Izzuddin, B.A.
Teslim-Balogun, Adeyanju Ashabi Structural performance of steel buildings under travelling fires and blast
Supervised by: Malaga Chuquitaype, C.Stafford, P
Walport, Fiona Design of steel and stainless steel structures by advanced inelastic analysis
Supervised by: Gardner, L.Nethercot, D.A.
Wu, Kaidong Nonlinear stability of prestressed stayed beam-columns
Supervised by: Wadee, M. A.Gardner, L.
Xing, Zhe Structural behaviour and design of stainless steel I-sections in fire
Supervised by: Gardner, L.


NameTitle and supervisor
Barros Dos Santos, Gabriel  Behaviour and design of structural stainless steel members under concentrated transverse forces
Supervised by: Gardner, L.
Bravo Haro, Miguel Angel Seismic drift demands in steel moment resisting frames
Supervised by: Elghazouli, A.Y.
Bin Alias, Aizat  Performance of steel-concrete composite floors subjected to blast loading
Supervised by: Louca, L.; Elghazouli, A.
Demirci, Cagatay Seismic response of multi-storey cross-laminated timber buildings 
Supervised by: Malaga Chuquitaype, C.Macorini, L.
Fieber, Andreas Structural steel design using advanced analysis with strain limits
Supervised by: Gardner, L.Macorini, L. 
Grosman, Stanyslav Progressive collapse assessment of building structures
Supervised by: Izzuddin, B.A.
Hadjipantelis, Nicolaos Prestressed cold-formed steel beams
Supervised by: Gardner, L.Wadee, M.A.
Mehreganian, Navid  Dynamic response of steel monolithic plated structures subjected to localised blast loads
Supervised by: Louca, L.
Nordas, Alexandros  High-Fidelity nonlinear analysis of composite structural systems
Supervised by: Izzuddin, B.A.; Macorini, L.
Pinho Santos, Luis Fernando  Innovative floor system for offshore topside structures
Supervised by: Izzuddin, B.A.; Macorini, L.
Pring, Bradley  Structural performance of precast high speed railway bridges
Supervised by: Ruiz-Teran AM
Setiawan, Andri Assessment of hybrid RC flat slab connection
Supervised by: Vollum, R.L.Macorini, L
Shi, Yuan  Ground motion selection for generalised conditional intensity measure targets and the target construction
Supervised by: Stafford, P
Skiada, Evangelia Consistent incorporation of topography effects into ground motion prediction equations
Supervised by: Kontoe, S.Stafford, P.J.
Xu, Bowen Behaviour of reinforced concrete members incorporating recycled rubber materials
Supervised by: Elghazouli, A.Y.Stafford, P.J.Ruiz-Teran, A.
Zahari, Dan Computational models to predict pelvic bone architecture and fracture 
Supervised by: Phillips, A.T.M.


NameTitle and supervisor
Bu, Yidu Structural behaviour of laser-welded stainless steel I-sections
Supervised by: Gardner, L.
Dong, Wenru Uncertainty and optimisation in structural analysis
Supervised by: Stafford, P.J.
Fajuyitan, Oluwole Kunle  Length effects in elastic imperfect cylindrical shells under uniform bending
Supervised by: Sadowski, A., Wadee, M.A.
Gu, Jiaping Nonlinear dynamic analysis of large scale structures
Supervised by: Izzuddin, B.A.
Minga, Eleni Detailed numerical modelling of masonry structures under extreme loading 
Supervised by: Macorini, L.Izzuddin, B.A.
Moharram, Moustafa Ibrahim Shawky Inelastic behaviour of hybrid reinforced concrete beam and steel column systems
Supervised by: Elghazouli, A.Y.
Muslim, Fadhilah Improving the spacer-concrete interface for durable structures
Supervised by: Wong, H.S.Buenfeld, N.
Shen, Jiajia Interactive buckling in thin-walled rectangular hollow section struts
Supervised by: Wadee, M.A.
Yun, Xiang Material modelling and design of hot-rolled and cold-formed steel structures
Supervised by: Gardner, L.
Zhang, Yanyang Advanced modelling of bridge structures
Supervised by: Macorini, L.Izzuddin, B.A.


NameTitle and supervisor
Abdelsalam, Mohemmed Improved design methods for concrete floor systems
Supervised by: Vollum, R.L.
Abdul Wahid, Fatmawati Characterising concrete using micro X-ray fluorescence (uXRF)
Supervised by: Wong, H.S.Buenfeld, N.R.
Aliyyah Masjuki, Siti Nonlinear modelling of 2D components in reinforced concrete (RC) buildings under earthquake loadings
Supervised by: Macorini, L.Izzuddin, B.A.
Barrero Bilbao, Alejandro Enhanced nonlinear analysis of 3D concrete structures
Supervised: Izzuddin, B.A.Vollum, R.L.
Brambleby, Reuben The structural performance and frequency filtering effects of perforated metal to composite joints
Supervised by: Louca, L.
Buchanan, Craig Testing and design of conventional and novel stainless steel hollow structural sections
Supervised by: Gardner, L.
Han Shin, Young Corrosion of steel in concrete
Supervised by: Buenfeld, N.R.
Karagiannis, Vasileios Behaviour of hybrid timber-steel beam-to-column connections
Supervised by: Elghazouli, A.Y.
Khojasteh, Amirabbas Dynamic analysis of building structures
Supervised by: Izzuddin, B.AMacorini, L. 
Kyvelou, Pinelopi Structural behaviour of composite cold-formed steel systems
Supervised by: Gardner, L.Nethercot, D.A.
Mac, Monika Characterisation of microcracks and transport in concrete
Supervised by: Buenfeld, N.R.Wong, H.S.
Oikonomou-Mpegetis, Sotirios  Behaviour and design of pile-supported fibre-reinforced concrete slabs
Supervised by: Vollum, R.L.
Qiu, Wei Beam-Column behaviour of concrete-filled elliptical hollow sections
Supervised by: Gardner, L.; McCann, F.
Razin Zanial Abidin, Ahmad Advanced modelling of steel/composite cellular beam using the general principles of finite element discretization 
Supervised by: Izzuddin, B.A.
Sampaio Soares, Luis Fernando Influence of slab continuity on punching resistance
Supervised by: Vollum, R.L.
Vella, Jean Paul Development of novel connection methods between precast concrete panels
Supervised by: Vollum, R.L.
Yio, Marcus Heo Nong Characterising the microstructure of cement-based materials using laser scanning confocal microscopy
Supervised by: Wong, H.S.Buenfeld, N.R.
Yu, Jialiang Nonlinear stability of prestressed stayed columns with multiple crossarm systems
Supervised by: Wadee, M. A.


NameTitle and supervisor
Liang, Yating Nonlinear analysis of composite shells with application to glass structures
Supervised by: Izzuddin, B.A.
Liu, Elizabeth  Interactive buckling in thin-walled I-section struts of uniform thickness
Supervised by: Wadee, M.A.
Madrazo-Aguirre, Fernando Behaviour and design of under-deck cable-stayed bridges with steel-concrete composite decks
Supervised by: Ruiz-Teran AMWadee, M. A.
Murad, Yasmin Zuhair Analytical and numerical assessment of seismically vulnerable corner connections under bidirectional loading in RC framed structures
Supervised by: Vollum, R.L.Macorini, L.
Ramos Moreno, Caterina Design of cable-stayed footbridges under serviceability loads
Supervised by: Ruiz-Teran AMStafford, P.J.
Toolabi, Milad Dynamic extended finite element method (XFEM) analysis of discontinuous media
Supervised by: Louca, L.
Wang, Jie Behaviour and design of high strength steel structures
Supervised by: Gardner, L.
Zhao, Ou Structural behaviour of stainless steel elements subjected to combined loading
Supervised by: Gardner, L.; Young, B.


NameTitle and supervisor
Alzyoud, Sukina Ayed Ali Effect of reinforcement spacers on concrete microstructure and durability
Supervised by: Buenfeld, N.R.
Bai, Li Interactive buckling in thin-walled I-section struts 
Supervised by: Wadee, M.A.
Brás Xavier, Helder Francisco The role of masonry infill in progressive collapse mitigation of multi-storey buildings
Supervised by: Macorini, L.Izzuddin, B.A.
Dehghanpoor Abyaneh, Saeed Modelling the effect of microcracks on transport properties of concrete
Supervised by: Buenfeld, N.R.Wong, H.S.
Farsi, Maryam Localized and cellular buckling in stiffened plates
Supervised by: Wadee, M.A.
Gosaye Fida Kaba, Jonathan Behaviour and design of prestressed steel structures
Supervised by: Gardner, L.Wadee, M.A.
Jowhari Moghadam, Shirin Plastic buckling of columns and plates
Supervised by: Izzuddin, B.A.,
Kucukler, Merih Stiffness reduction approach for structural steel design
Supervised by: Gardner, L.Macorini, L.
Micallef, Marianna Crack control in based-restrained reinforced concrete walls
Supervised by: Vollum, R.L.
Su, Meini Plastic design of aluminium alloy structures
Supervised by: Gardner, L., joint with University of Hong Kong
Yu, Jessica Bing Yan Assessing ground interaction effects and potential damage on existing tunnels before and after new excavation works
Supervised by: 
Zhang, Yanyang Advanced nonlinear analysis of masonry arch bridge
Supervised by: Izzuddin, B.A.Macorini, L.
Zolghadrzadehjahromi, Hamed Energy consistent nonlinear dynamic contact analysis of structures
Supervised by: Izzuddin, B.A.,


NameTitle and supervisor
Afshan, Sheida Structural behaviour of cold-formed stainless steel tubular members
Supervised by: Gardner, L.
Chen, Anqi Structural response to vapour cloud explosions 
Supervised by: Louca, L.Elghazouli, A.
Hui, Chi Moment redistribution in cold-formed steel purlin systems
Supervised by: Gardner, L.Nethercot, D.A.
Fang, Libin Shear enhancement in reinforced concrete beams
Supervised by: Vollum, R.L.
Foster, Andrew Stability and design of steel beams in the strain-hardening range
Supervised by:  Gardner, L.
Liew, Andrew Design of structural steel elements with the Continuous Strength Method
Supervised by: Gardner, L.
Nwankwo, Ebuka Dynamic behaviour of blast loaded hybrid structural systems
Supervised by: Louca, L.
Oikonomou-Mpegetis Behaviour and design of steel fibre reinforced concrete slabs
Supervised by: Vollum, R.L.
Vidalis, Carolos Antonios Improving the resistance to progressisve collapse of steel and composite frames
Supervised by: Nethercot, D.A.Elghazouli, A.
Wu, Zhigen Influence of microcracks on the transport properties of concrete
Supervised by: Buenfeld, N.R.Wong, H.S.
Zhao, Oo Structural behaviour of stainless steel elements subjected to combined loading
Supervised by: Gardner, L.; Young, B.


NameTitle and supervisor
Afshan, Sheida Structural behaviour of cold-formed stainless steel tubular members
Supervised by: Gardner, L.
Jokhio, Gul Ahmed Mixed dimensional hierarchic partitioned analysis of nonlinear structural systems
Supervised: Izzuddin, B.A.
Martins Da Silva Geraldes, Diogo Miguel Orthotropic modelling of the skeletal system
Supervised by: Phillips, A.T.M.
Micallef, Karl The dynamic response of blast-loaded monolithic and composite plated structures
Supervised by: Gardner, L.
Modenese, Luca Hip contact force prediction using a musculoskeletal model of the lower limb
Supervised by: Phillips, A.T.M.Bull, A.M.J
Modica, Alice Vector-valued seismic demand analysis within earthquake loss estimation
Supervised by: Stafford, P.J.
Saliba, Najib Structural behaviour of lean duplex stainless steel welded I-sections
Supervised by: Gardner, L.
Sperry, Megan (MPhil) Kinematic and muscular assessment of spinal stability and the connection to lower back pain
Supervised by: Phillips, A.T.M.McGregor, A.H.M.
Pereira, Miguel Robustness of multi-storey steel-composite buildings under column loss: Rate-sensitivity and probabilistic framework
Supervised by: Izzuddin, B.A.
Zainal Abidin, Ahmad Razin Modelling of local elastic buckling for steel beams with web openings
Supervised by: Izzuddin, B.A.


NameTitle and supervisor
Ban, Xiao Inelastic performance of steel/concrete composite members
Supervised By: Elghazouli, A.
Fang, Cheng Robustness of multi-storey steel-composite structures under localised fire
Supervised by: Izzuddin, B.A.Elghazouli, A.Nethercot, D.A.
Foulser-Piggott, Roxanne The impact of ground motion uncertainty on earthquake loss estimation
Supervised by: Stafford, P.J.Ochieng, W. 
Khalid, Huma Objective modelling of reinforced concrete structures
Supervised by: Izzuddin, B.A.,
Kumar, Mukesh Inelastic seismic response assessment of steel moment resisting frames
Supervised by: Elghazouli, A.Stafford, P.J.
Liu, Yanzhi Behaviour of beam-to-tubular column connections under extreme loading conditions
Supervised By: Elghazouli, A.
McCann, Finian Stability of beams with discrete lateral restraints
Supervised by: Wadee, M.A.Gardner, L.
Osofero, Adelaja Behaviour and design of prestressed columns
Supervised by: Wadee, M.A.Gardner, L.
Shah, Syed Kamran Ayub Response of Fibre metal laminates to blast loading
Supervised by: Louca, L.
Syed Mohsin, Sharifah Maszura Binti Behaviour of fibre-reinforced concrete structures under seismic loading
Supervised by: Elghazouli, A.Ruiz-Teran, A., Abbas, A. 
Younge, Alice Marie Computational and experimental modelling of the femur
Supervised by: Phillips, A.T.M.


NameTitle and supervisor
Amini Najafian, Hamidreza Nonlinear optimisation of reinforcement design for reinforced concrete structures loaded in plane stress
Supervised by: Vollum, R.L.
Clarke, Susannah Factors influencing press-fit acetabular cup failure: an experimentally validated finite element study
Supervised by: Bull, A. Jeffer, J. Phillips, A.T.M.
Dorra, Elkhayam Greater Cairo earthquake loss assessment and the implications on the Egyptian economy
Supervised by: Stafford, P.J.Elghazouli, A.
Eder, Martin Inelastic behaviour of hybrid steel/concrete column-to-flat slab assemblages
Supervised by: Elghazouli, A.Vollum, R.L.
Haidarali, Mohammad Reza Local and distortional buckling behaviour of cold-formed steel Z section beams
Supervised by: Nethercot, D.A.
Khalid, Huma Objective modelling of reinforced concrete structures
Supervised by: Izzuddin, B.A.
Law, Kwan Ho Instabilities in structural steel elliptical hollow section members
Supervised by: Gardner, L.
Lee, Hai Self-sealing of cracks in cement-based materials using superabsorbent polymers
Supervised by: Buenfeld, N.R.Wong, H.S.
Malaga Chuquitaype, Christian Seismic behaviour and design of steel frames incorporating tubular members
Supervised by: Elghazouli, A.
Stylianidis, Panagiotis Progressive collapse response of steel and composite buildings
Supervised by: Izzuddin, B.A.Elghazouli, A.Nethercot, D.A.
Wang, Facheng A deformation based approach to structural steel design
Supervised by: Gardner, L.
Yang, Yang Structural behaviour of blast loaded hybrid systems
Supervised by: Louca, L.


NameTitle and supervisor
Abela, Jeanette Blinding struts in cut-and-cover excavations
Supervised by: Vollum, R.L.Izzuddin, B.A.Potts, D.M.
Boonsiri, Po Monitoring stress and strain of structures by using carbon-fibre reinforced cementitious composite
Supervised by: England, G.
Davies, Ronald Non-destructive measurement of air voids at the reinforcing steel/concrete interface
Supervised by: Buenfeld, N.R.
Kimura, Fumiaki Probabilistic design of steel structures applied to offshore pipelines
Supervised by: Hobbs, R.
Salih, Elwaleed Analysis and design of stainless steel bolted connections 
Supervised by: Gardner, L.Nethercot, D.A.
Syropoulou, Stella AC Impedance testing of surface treatments on concrete
Supervised By: Buenfeld, N.R.
Theofanous, Marios Studies of the nonlinear response of stainless steel structures
Supervised by: Gardner, L.
Vollmecke, Christina Nonlinear buckling of delaminated panels
Supervised by: Wadee, M.A.,
Yiatros, Stylianos Mode interaction and localization in sandwich struts and beam-columns
Supervised by: Wadee, M.A. 

Interested in working with us?

PhD Applicants

The Structures Research Section welcomes applications from highly motivated and enthusiastic candidates, educated preferably to Masters level, in a relevant discipline. Please see our Postgraduate research (PhD) page for more information.

Reseach Collaborations

Research collaboration with researchers from other universities and institutes is welcomed where complementary capabilities can be used to address current problems. For enquiries please contact Professor Ahmed Elghazouli.


Cooperation with the industry is actively encouraged in order to tailor the Section's activities to meet the needs of practicing engineers and asset owners and also as a means of applying the findings of ongoing research programs under working conditions. For enquiries please contact Professor Ahmed Elghazouli.

MSc Applicants

The Advanced Structural Engineering MSc Cluster welcomes applications from highly numerate, motivated and enthusiastic candiates with good, or predicted, first degrees in a relevant discipline. Please see our Postgraduate taught (MSc) pages for more information.