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Macroporous polymer nanocomposites synthesised from high internal phase emulsion templates stabilised by reduced graphene oxide . L.L.C. Wong, S. Barg, A. Menner, P. do Vale Pereira, G.Eda, M. Chowalla, E. Saiz, A. Bismarck. Polymer, 55 (1) , p: 395-402, 2014
Interfacial energies and mass transport in the Ni(Al)–Al2 O3 system: The implication of very low oxygen activities. N.Ni, Y. Kaufmann, W. D. Kaplan, E. Saiz. Acta Materialia, 64, p: 282-296, 2014.
Encapsulation of aluminium in geopolymers produced from metakaolin. C. Kuenzel, T.P.Neville, T. Omakowski, L. Vandeperre, A.R.Boccaccini, J.Bensted, S.J.R. Simons, C.R. Cheeseman. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 447 (1-3) , p: 208-214, 2014.
Surface quality improvement of porous thin films suitable for nanoindentation. Z. Chen, X. Wang, F. Giuliani, A. Atkinson. Ceramics International, 40 (3) , p: 3913-3923, 2014.
On the relevance of kinking to reversible hysteresis in MAX phases. N.G.Jones, C. Humphrey, L.D.Connor, O. Wilhelmsson, L.Hultman, H.J.Stone, F. Giuliani, W.J. Clegg. Acta Materialia, 69, p: 149-161, 2014 .
Poly(γ-glutamic acid)/Silica Hybrids with Calcium Incorporated in the Silica Network by Use of a Calcium Alkoxide Precursor. G. Poologasundarampillai, B. Yu, O. Tsigkou, D. Wang, F. Romer, V. Bhakri, F. Giuliani, M.M. Stevens, D.S. McPhail, M.E.Smith, J.V.Hanna, J.R. Jones. Chemistry, 20 (26) , p: 8149-8160, 2014.
Mesoscale assembly of chemically modified graphene into complex cellular networks. S. Barg, F.M. Perez, N.Ni, P. do Vale Pereira, R.C.Maher, E. Garcia-Tuñon, S.Eslava, S.Agnoli, C. Mattevi, E. Saiz. Nature Communications, 5:4328, 2014.
Flash Spark Plasma Sintering (FSPS) of Pure ZrB2 . S. Grasso, T. Saunders, H. Porwal, O. Cedillos-Barraza, D. D. Jayaseelan, W. E. Lee, M.J. Reece. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 97 (8) , p: 2405-2408, 2014.
Influence of sand on the mechanical properties of metakaolin geopolymers. C. Kuenzel, L. Li, L. Vandeperre, A.R.Boccaccini, C.R. Cheeseman. Construction and Building Materials, 66, p: 442-446, 2014.
Formation of magnesium silicate hydrate (M-S-H) cement pastes using sodium hexametaphosphate. T.Zhang, L.J. Vandeperre, C.R. Cheeseman. Cement and Concrete Research, 65, p:8-14, 2014 .
Recycling disposable cups into paper plastic composites. J. Mitchell, L. Vandeperre, R. Dvorak, E. Kosior, K. Tarverdi, C.Cheeseman. Waste Management, 34 (11) , p:2113-2119, 2014.
Thermophysical characterisation of ZrCx Ny ceramics fabricated via carbothermic reduction–nitridation. R. Harrison, O. Ridd, D. D. Jayaseelan, W. E. Lee. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 454 (1-3) , p:46-53, 2014.
Enhanced oxidation resistance of ZrB2 /SiC composite through in situ reaction of gadolinium oxide in patterned surface cavities. J. Gonzalez-Julian, O.Cedillos-Barraza, S. Doring, S. Nolte, O. Guillon, W.E. Lee. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 34 (16) , p: 4157-4166, 2014.
Effect of La2O3 addition on long-term oxidation kinetics of ZrB2 –SiC and HfB2 –SiC ultra-high temperature ceramics. E. Zapata-Solvas, D.D. Jayaseelan, P.M.Brown, W.E.Lee. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 34 (15) , p: 3535-3548, 2014.