Sir Richard Brook Prize
In 2010, CASC set up the Professor Sir Richard Brook Prize for the best ceramics PhD thesis in the UK, with sponsorship from Morgan Advanced Materials.
This prize aims to increase the sense of community amongst PhD students researching ceramics in the UK and to mirror the IOMMM’s AT Green Award that is available to undergraduates.
The winner of the 2017 edition was to Dr Tahsin Ali Kassam, from Brunel University. He will receive the prize at an event organised by Morgan Advanced Materials on the 6th of December.
Previous winners include Dr. Claudio Ferraro (Imperial College London), Dr James Thomas Bennett,
(University of Leeds) and Dr Huixing Zhang (University of Manchester)
You can find more information on the Sir Richard Brook Prize 2018 edition.
The award in general covers a certificate, plaque and £1000 cheque.