Atmospheric Physics Links

American Geophysical Union (USA)  with the Atmospheric Sciences Section.

Cambridge University (UK) Centre for atmospheric sciences

Edinburgh University (UK) Department of meteorology

European Space Agency Earth observation


NASA (USA) Earth science enterprise

NOAA (USA) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Oxford University (UK) Atmospheric, ocean and planetary physics

Reading University (UK) Department of meteorology

Royal Meteorological Society (UK) 

Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK) Earth Observation and Atmospheric science division

UK University Global Atmospheric Modeling Programme (UGAMP) 

World Meteorological Organization

AIRSITE a good site with various publications available for download including DeMore 1997 'Chemical Kinetics and Photochemcial Data For Use in Stratospheric Modeling', JPL 97-4

International Global Atmospheric Chemistry a site dedicated to furthering knowledge of atmospheric composition

Sci-environement FAQ's on Ozone depletion four introductory FAQ's which introduce the ozone depletion chemistry

WMO/UNEP Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion