Instrument Team
The following people from Imperial College are involved in the design, build and operations of the magnetometer (FGM) instruments aboard the Double Star spacecraft.
FGM Instrument Team Member | Position |
Chris Carr | Principal Investigator for the FGM TC1 Instrument |
Patrick Brown | Technical Manager (TC1 and TC2 Instruments) |
Helen O'Brien | Instrument engineer |
Tim Oddy | Instrument engineer |
Trevor Beek | Power Supplies and Flight Hardware Assembly |
Science Investigation Team
The following people from Imperial College are involved with Double Star science:
DoubleStar Science People | Position |
Chris Carr | Principal Investigator for the FGM TC1 Instrument |
Andre Balogh | Co-Investigator |
Peter Cargill | Co-Investigator |
Tim Horbury | Co-Investigator |
Elizabeth Lucek | Co-Investigator |
Steve Schwartz | Co-Investigator |