Highlighted names indicate authors from Imperial College
Comer, RE; Slingo, A; Allan, RP., Observations of the diurnal cycle of outgoing longwave radiation from the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget instrument, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 34 (2): Art. No. L02823 JAN 30 2007.
Slingo, A., Ackerman, T. P., Allan, R. P., Kassianov, E. I., McFarlane, S. A., Robinson, G. J., Barnard, J. C., Miller, M. A., Harries, J. E., Russell Russell, J. E., Dewitte, S. Observations of the impact of a major Saharan dust storm on the atmospheric radiation balance, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 33 (24): Art. No. L24817 DEC 30 2006.
Bertrand, C., Futyan, J., Ipe, A., Gonzalez, L., Clrbaux, N., Diurnal asymmetry in the GERB SW fluxes, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING 44 (12): 3585-3600 DEC 2006.
Brindley, H.E., Russell, J.E., Improving GERB scene identification using SEVIRI: Infrared dust detection strategy, REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT 104 (4): 426-446 OCT 30 2006
Nelms, N.; Dowson, J; Blake, O.; Butcher, G, A composite focal plane assembly for the GERB instrument, ACTA ASTRONAUTICA 59 (12): 1117-1122 DEC 2006.
Brindley, HE ; Ignatov, A, Retrieval of mineral aerosol optical depth and size information from Meteosat Second Generation SEVIRI solar reflectance bands, REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT 102 (3-4): 344-363 JUN 15 2006.
Futyan, JM; Russell, JE, Developing clear-sky flux products for the geostationary earth radiation budget experiment, JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY 44 (9): 1361-1374 SEP 2005.
Harries, JE, Russell, JE, Hanafin, JA, Brindley H, Futyan J, Rufus J, Kellock S, Matthews G, Wrigley R, Last A, Mueller J, Mossavati R, Ashmall J, Sawyer E, Parker D, Caldwell M, Allan PM, Smith A, Bates MJ, Coan B, Stewart BC, Lepine DR, Cornwall LA, Corney DR, Ricketts MJ, Drummond D, Smart D, Cutler R, Dewitte S, Clerbaux N, Gonzalez L, Ipe A, Bertrand C, Joukoff A, Crommelynck D, Nelms N, Llewellyn-Jones DT, Butcher G, Smith GL, Szewczyk ZP, Mlynczak PE, Slingo A, Allan RP, Ringer MA, The geostationary Earth Radiation Budget Project, BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY 86 (7): 945 JUL 2005.
Ipe, A; Bertrand, C; Clerbaux, N; Dewitte S, Gonzalez L, Validation and homogenization of cloud optical depth and cloud fraction retrievals for GERB/SEVIRI scene identification using Meteosat-7 data, ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH 72 (1-4): 17-37 NOV-DEC 2004.
Matthews, G, Calculation of the static in-flight telescope-detector response by deconvolution applied to point-spread function for the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget experiment, APPLIED OPTICS 43 (34): 6313-6322 DEC 1 2004
Butcher, G; Nelms, N; Blake, O; Whitford, C; Cole, R, The design and performance of the focal plane assembly for the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) instrument, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT 513 (1-2): 147-150 NOV 1 2003
Sandford, MCW; Allan, PM; Caldwell, ME; Delderfield J, Oliver MB, Sawyer E, Harries JE, Ashmall J, Brindley H, Kellock S, Mossavati R, Wrigley R, Llewellyn-Jones D, Blake O, Butcher G, Cole R, Nelms N, DeWitte S, Gloesener P, Fabbrizzi F, The geostationary Earth radiation budget (GERB) instrument on EUMETSAT's MSG satellite, ACTA ASTRONAUTICA 53 (11): 909-915 DEC 2003.
Luhmann, HJ, MSG's GERB instrument, ESA BULLETIN-EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY (111): 18-20 AUG 2002.
Harries, J.E., Mossavati, R. , Lopez-Baeza, E., Dewitte, S., Clerbaux, N., Smith, G.L., Allan, P., Bates, M., Muller, J. and Stuhlmann, R., Exploiting the GERB/SEVIRI synergy for data validation, new algorithm development and scientific applications, Proc. 1st MSG RAO Workshop, ESA-SP 452, 2002.
Harries J. E., Naud, C. and Brindley, H. , The Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) experiment: Science applications, Proc. IRS 2000, St Petersburg, 24-29 July, 2001.
Harries, J; Crommelynck, D, The geostationary earth radiation budget experiment on MSG-1 and its potential applications, SATELLITE APPLICATIONS FOR ENERGY BUDGETS AND THE HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH 24 (7)915-919 1999.
Dewitte, S., Sadowski, G., Gonzalez, L., Hermans, A., Clerbaux, N., Mossavati, R., Kellock, S. and 7 other authors, In-flight calibration of the GERB-1 instrument, Proc. 1999 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Data Users' Conf., Copenhagen, Denmark, September 1999.
Mueller, J., Stuhlmann, R., Dammann, K., Hollman, R., Harries, J.E., Kellock, S., Mossavati, R., Wrigley, R.T., Crommelynck, D., Dewitte, S., Allan, P., Caldwell, M. and Sawyer, E., GERB: An earth radiation budget instrument on second generation Meteosat, Adv. Space Res., 24 (7), 921-924, 1999.
Mossavati, R., Harries, J.E., Kellock, S.J., Wrigley, R.T., Mueller, J. and Fox, N.P., Radiometric calibration of the GERB instrument, Metrologia, 35 (4), 603-607, 1998.
Mueller, J, Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) instrument calibration plans, ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH 19 (9)1307-1316 1997.