Current PhD Projects

StudentSupervisorProject Title
Nawapat Kaweeyanun Dr. Adam Masters Modelling Ganymede's magnetosphere
Harley Kelly Dr. Martin Archer/Dr. Jonathan Eastwood Magnetopause Surface Waves in MHD Simulations
Ronan Laker Prof. Tim Horbury Investigating the Solar Wind in the Inner Heliosphere
Adrian LaMoury Dr. Heli Hietala Structure formation at shock waves and its space weather impacts
Harry Lewis Dr. Julia Stawarz Probing the nonlinear dynamics of turbulence in space plasmas
Zoe Lewis Dr. Marina Galand

Emissions from the coma of comet 67P

Jacob Parrott Dr. Ingo Mueller-Wodarg A Novel Analysis Technique for Martian Mutual Radio Occultation
Tom Woolley Dr. Lorenz Matteini/Prof. Tim Horbury Physics of the Inner Heliosphere
Sophia Zomerdijk-Russell Dr. Adam Masters Getting to grips with Mercury’s dynamic space environment as the Bepicolombo mission flies to the innermost planet
Space physics postgraduate students and their projects
StudentSupervisorProject Title
Katie Blackford Dr. Apostolos Voulgarakis The role of peat fires shaping future atmospheric composition the carbon cycle and climate
Liam Blyth Dr. Heather Graven Air pollution: Sources and sinks of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere 
Philipp Breul Dr. Arnaud Czaja/Dr. Paulo Ceppi What determines the ability of the jet stream to shift in response to external forcing?
Alexander Brunmayr Dr. Heather Graven Regional Carbon Cycle Modelling
Milan Ding Dr. Juliet Pickering Laboratory Astrophysics: New Atomic Data for Astrophysics Applications
Michaela Flegrova Prof. Helen Brindley Quantifying the radiative impacts of African landscape fires
Fumi Hayashi Dr. Arnaud Czaja  
George Horner Dr. Edward Gryspeerdt/Prof. Helen Brindley The impact of aerosol on convective clouds
Alexander Kuhn-Regnier Dr. Apostolos Voulgarakis Predicting the ecological impact of future fire activity on a global scale
Jamie Matthews Dr. Arnaud Czaja The Gulf Stream as a modulator of blocking and European temperatre extremes
Rebecca Murray-Watson Dr. Edward Gryspeerdt/Prof. Helen Brindley Investigating the impact of aerosols on mixed-phase clouds
Sanjeevani Panditharatne Prof. Helen Brindley Understanding how Earth is losing its cool: A study in support of the FORUM satellite mission
Eric Schoenrock Dr. Heather Graven Estimating and attributing regional methane emissions using innovative atmospheric measurements
Beltran Sajonia-Coburgo-Gotha Prof. Helen Brindley Truths & Forum
Pietro Salvi Dr. Paulo Ceppi Improving our understanding of radiative forcing in climate modelling
Marie Shaylor Prof. Helen Brindley Diagnosing dust-climate interactions in observations to test Earth System Models
Carl Thomas
Dr. Apostolos Voulgarakis/Dr. Peer Nowack Using machine learning to constrain the atmospheric dynamics contritubtion to regional climate change
Enoch Tsui Prof. Ralf Toumi Climate Physics
Laura Warwick Prof. Helen Brindley Investigating the impact of IR surface emissivity knowledge & uncertainties on cllimate & weather forecasting timescales
Chris Wells Dr. Apostolos Voulgarakis Human health co-benefits from climate change mitigation


Here are some of our recent PhD graduates:

StudentSupervisorProject Title
Omakshi Agiwal Prof. Michele Dougherty Cassini: End of mission data analysis
Kelvin Choi Dr. Helen Brindley Building a Long-term Record of the Global Solar Energy Resource from Satellite Observations
Alison Cobb Dr. Arnaud Czaja Ocean-atmosphere interactions in cyclones and their predictability
Florence Concepcion Mairey Prof. Juliet Pickering New accurate atomic data for astrophysics applications - Fe II transition probabilities.
Natasha Dansey Dr. Arnaud Czaja/ Prof. Jo Haigh  
Emma Davies Dr. Bob Forsyth Large scale structure in the solar wind
Ewen Davies

Prof. Michele Dougherty/ Dr. Adam Masters

The Dynamics of Saturn’s High Latitude Magnetic Field Configuration 
Joe Eggington

Dr. Jonathan Eastwood

Global Simulations of Planetary Magnetospheres
Goodwin Gibbins

Prof. Jo Haigh and Valerio Lucarini

Entropy Production in the Earth System 
Nawapat Kaweeyanun

Dr. Adam Masters

Modelling Ganymede's magnetosphere
Joanna Lester

Dr. Heather Graven/ Dr. Arnaud Czaja and Samar Khatiwala (Oxford)

Studying ocean circulation, acidification and CO2 uptake using models and tracers
Yi Li

Prof. Ralf Toumi

Regional ocean data assimilation and forecast
Minyi Liang

Dr. Arnaud Czaja

Extreme poleward heat transport to the high latitudes
Ronan McAdam Dr. Eric van Sebille The connected ocean: comparing inter-ocean transport at the surface and at depth 
Robbie Parks Prof. Ralf Toumi Extreme poleward heat transport to the high latitudes
Grace Redmond Prof. Ralf Toumi  
Amy Seales Dr. Helen Brindley Reducing uncertainty in climate predictions: Enhancing the science case for TRUTHS
Peter Shatwell Dr. Arnaud Czaja, David Ferreira (Uni of Reading), Greg Pavliotis (Imperial Maths) A process study of heat uptake by the global ocean
Mohan Smith Prof. Ralf Toumi Applications of AI to Catastrophic Weather Event Prediction
Luke Phillipson Prof. Ralf Toumi Ocean data assimilation in the Angola Basin
Cesar Quilodran Casas Prof. Ralf Toumi Fast ocean data assimilation and forecasting using a neural-network reduced-space regional ocean model of the north Brazil current
Alex Siddle Dr. Ingo Müller-Wodarg The Martian solar wind interaction
Sadie Robertson Dr. Jonathan Eastwood Magnetic reconnection with Magnetospheric Multiscale
Ned Staniland Prof. Michele Dougherty Magnetospheric dynamics and global field modeling at Saturn.
Peter Stephenson Dr. Marina Galand Cometary ionospheres
Kieran Brophy Dr. Heather Graven/ Prof. Juliet Pickering Atmospheric studies of CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion
Rebecca Thomas Dr. Heather Graven/ Prof. Colin Prentice Using atmospheric CO2 measurements to advance land carbon science 
Sunil Varma Dr. Apostolos Voulgarakis/ Dr. Arnaud Czaja  
Christian Clear Prof. Juliet Pickering The Spectrum and Term Analysis of Singly-ionised Nickel (Ni II)
Kevin Heritier Dr. Marina Galand

Cometary ionosphere analysis from Rosetta multi-instrumental dataset

Lars Mejnertsen Dr. Jonathan Eastwood/ Prof. Jerry Chittenden The dynamics of the outer boundaries in global simulations of planetary magnetospheres
Gianluca Carnielli Dr. Marina Galand Variability of the ionospheric plasma around Ganymede
David Stansby Prof. Tim Horbury The solar wind in the inner heliosphere