David Jones - ISP PhD Student
PhD Synopsis: High-strain-rate fracture and fragmentation
Supervisor: Dr. Daniel Eakins
David is a third year PhD student with the ISP. His area of research is the dynamic fracture and fragmentation behaviour in metals, with most of his work concentrating on Titanium alloys. Failure of rapidly deforming materials is a complex process - by constraining the deformation into an axially symmetric geometry we simplify the problem. A new cylinder expansion method for use on gas guns has been tested in collaboration with Cranfield University which is now being deployed on the 100mm gun at Imperial. Geometrical effects were studied using explosively driven samples while working at the Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics (RAS) in Russia during early 2012. The primary aims of this PhD are to generate novel data to better understand the failure processes involved in fragmentation and assist in developing material models for more accurate hydrocode modelling.
Publications & Conference Presentations:
Novel Gas Gun Loading: Studies in Fragmentation
TMS Pan American Materials Conference, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2014
A Gas Gun Based Technique for Studying the Role of Temperature in Dynamic Fracture and Fragmentation
Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 114, Number 17 (2013)
Gas gun driven dynamic fracture and fragmentation of Ti-6Al-4V cylinders
Shock Compression of Condensed Matter, Seattle, 2013
The Effects of Axial Length on the Fracture and Fragmentation of Expanding Rings
DYMAT, Freiburg, 2012
Development of the Gas Gun Driven Expanding Cylinder Technique
Shock Compression of Condensed Matter, Chicago, 2011
Fragmentation in Expanding Metal Cylinders
Shock Compression of Condensed Matter, Chicago, 2011