Spatial Velocimetry Workshop 2013
Held at the IOP 9th September 2013
This workshop was targeted at researchers within the dynamic loading and extreme conditions communities, with an interest in spatially-resolved measurements of transient phenomena. The content to be presented and discussed was suitable for new entrants to imaging velocimetry, although knowledge of the principles of VISAR was helpful. Presentations were 25 minutes in length with an additional 5 minutes for questions. The last workshop session was an informal discussion period formatted into subject areas as required depending on attendance and demand.
Workshop Themes
Line and area imaging velocimetry techniques for high-rate experiments driven by impact, explosives or lasers
- Imaging system design, resolution, calibration and speckle pattern noise reduction
- Application to spatial measurements of material strength, phase transition and chemistry
Transmission interferometry, and application to shocked gases or plasmas
- Electron density measurement
- Role in convergent flow experiments
Fringe analysis methodology
- Phase unwrapping methods
- Fourier and discrete analysis methods
- Filters and resolution
- Error analysis
Dr Daniel Eakins, Imperial College London (
Dr Gareth Appleby-Thomas, Cranfield University (
Mr Martin Philpott, Atomic Weapons Establishment (
Portable Line VISAR - Eakins
X-VISAR: Simultaneous perpendicular line-imaging VISAR - Winters
Line VISAR - De'Ath
Michelson Interferometer - A Evans
Approaches to line VISAR analysis - Philpott/George/Whiteman/De'Ath