About Us
The Femtosecond Optics Group (FOG) was established in 1986 by Roy Taylor as a subgroup within the larger Laser Optics Group in the Physics Department. Initially research interests were in wavelength tunable femtosecond dye lasers, pulse compression techniques and optical soliton physics, with the group establishing a strong internationally dominant profile. In the 90s the group’s principal activities were in diode-pumped solid state lasers, fibre Raman amplifiers and basic nonlinear optics in fibre. In 2001 the group joined the newly formed Photonics Group and the research programmes became primarily all- fibre based developing high power MOPFA (master oscillator power fibre amplifier) systems for high power visible generation, pulsed and cw pumped supercontinuum production and novel nonlinear optical studies in specialist fibres. More recently, the groups focus has shifted to the development of various sources in mid-infrared, for a variety of applicaitons including high resolution mass spectrometric imaging, surgical diagnostics and tissue resection, and a variety of security and defence related activities. The group is also investigating the use of various robust, fibre integrated sources for biomedical imaging applications - including super-resolution microscopy and miniaturised endoscopic devices for multiphoton microscopy.
Group Awards
Dr. Runcorn awarded a Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship
Congratulations to Dr. Timothy Runcorn, who has been awarded a five year Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship (2020) to investigate "New fibre optics for advanced biomedical imaging".
Prof. Taylor awarded the IOP Micheal Faraday Medal
Congratulations to Prof. Roy Taylor, head of the Femtosecond Optics Group, who was awarded the 2019 IOP Micheal Faraday Medal. The award was "for his extensive, internationally leading contributions to the development of spectrally diverse, ultrafast-laser sources and pioneering fundamental studies of nonlinear fibre optics that have translated to scientific and commercial application." See the press release here.
Dr. Murray awarded an Imperial College Research Fellowship
Congratulations to Dr. Robbie Murray, who has been awarded a four year Imperial College Research Fellowship (2018), to "Probe the molecular fingerprint region with next generation mid-infrared sources".
Prof. Taylor awarded the IEEE Quantum Electronics Award
Congratulations to Prof. Roy Taylor, head of the Femtosecond Optics Group, who was awarded the 2018 IEEE Quantum Electronics Award. The award was "for seminal contributions to development of ultrashort pulse lasers and applications to nonlinear fiber optics allowing temporal and spectral versatility." Read the press report here.
Prof. Taylor awarded the Oxburgh Medal, Institute of Measurement and Control
Congratulations to Prof. Roy Taylor, head of the Femtosecond Optics Group, who was awarded the Oxburgh Medal from the Institue of Measurement and Control.
Prof. Taylor elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society
Congratulations to Prof. Roy Taylor, head of the Femtosecond Optics Group, who was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in the summer of 2017. He is widely acknowledged for his influential basic research on and development of diverse lasers systems and their application. He has contributed extensively to advances in picosecond (one trillionth of a second) and femtosecond (one quadrillionth of a second) dye laser technology, compact diode-laser and fibre-laser-pumped vibronic lasers and their wide-ranging application to fundamental studies. See the press release here.
Dr. Kelleher awarded Paterson Medal
Congratulations to Dr. Edmund Kelleher, Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellow in the Femtosecond Optics Group, who was awarded the 2015 Paterson Medal by the Institute of Physics, in recognition of "his many contributions to pulse-width and wavelength-versatile fibre-based photonic sources".
Robert Woodward awarded Cavendish and Westminster Medals at SET for Britain 2015
Congratulations to Robert Woodward, PhD student in the Femtosecond Optics Group, who was recently awarded the Gold Award for Physics (Cavendish Medal) and the Westminster Medal at the 2015 SET for Britain event for his work on ultrafast laser development using nanomaterials. SET for Britain is an annual event to encourage, support and promote Britain's early-stage research scientists by inviting them to present their work to MPs and policymakers in Parliament.
Prof. Taylor awarded Rumford Medal
Congratulations to Prof. Roy Taylor, head of the Femtosecond Optics Group, who was awarded the 2012 Rumford Medal by the Royal Society, in recognition of "his outstanding contributions to tunable ultrafast lasers and nonlinear fibre optics, including fibre Raman, soliton and supercontinuum laser sources, which translated fundamental discoveries to practical technology".