Study options
Imperial is one-of-a-kind University in the UK, focusing exclusively on science, engineering, medicine, and business. Our world leading research expertise feeds directly into your education, giving you access to the latest advances in nutrition, food, and health.
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Study options
Master's programmes
Advanced Mechanical Engineering (MSc)
This MSc course provides advanced knowledge and understanding in one or more of the many areas of mechanical engineering allowing the potential for students to develop their abilities in subjects such as numerical analysis and signal processing, which are useful in all areas of mechanical engineering and are associated with the application of computers in engineering practice.
Chemical Biology (MRes)
The MRes in Chemical Biology will train students in translational multidisciplinary research through a bespoke training and research programme.
Clinical Research - Human Nutrition (MRes)
The course will provide greater insight into the academic; clinical and practical; and regulatory requirements of human nutrition research and will introduce the latest in cutting-edge research.
Clinical Research - Diabetes and Obesity (MRes)
The programme provides a structured approach to developing knowledge and skills which will enable students to develop their own research portfolio or assist in the management of an existing portfolio.
Epidemiology (MSc)
This programme offers a thorough grounding in epidemiological research and the application of statistical and mathematical methods to epidemiological investigation and practice. Students will be given the opportunity to apply research techniques to a variety of challenging epidemiological and biomedical problems.
Innovation Design Engineering (MA[RCA]/MSc)
The Innovation Design Engineering (IDE) programme is a leading-edge creative product development course, which involves experimentation, design, engineering and enterprise activities.
International Health Management (MSc)
A unique programme designed to springboard you into a management career in the global healthcare sector.
Master of Public Health (MPH)
This course merges the study of epidemiology, biostatistics and health research methods with public health skills for those interested in developing their research skills and public health career.
Molecular Science and Engineering (MRes)
This one-year full-time MRes course provides you with a systematic understanding of Molecular Science and Engineering and a critical awareness of the current challenges and research in the area.
Paediatrics and Child Health (MSc, PgCert, PgDip)
The programme will give students the opportunity to develop skills in teaching, learning and educational research within a paediatric setting and experience the benefits of working and learning within a diverse multi-professional team.
Plant Chemical Biology (MRes)
This course will enable you to bridge the gap that can exist between the physical and plant science disciplines due to differences in language, perspective and methodology.
PhD options
Stratigrad stands for Stratified Medicine Graduate Training Programme in Systems Medicine and Spectroscopic Profiling and is an innovative PhD program that addresses the need to produce a new generation of scientists to work at the interface of disciplines that collectively drive new discoveries at the systems level. The purpose of the programme is to establish a collaborative network of research organisations with common interests in the areas of stratified medicine, clinical diagnostics, prognostics and theranostic biomarker discovery, novel therapeutic development, and organic disease mechanisms through a combined PhD training and stratified medicine. consortium in the fields of molecular phenotyping, systems modelling.
The ICB CDT in Chemical Biology
The Institute of Chemical Biology was created in 2003, to enable the development of novel tools and technologies that could be applied to tackle biological challenges at a molecular level. It currently consists of approximately 70 research groups who are all interested in tackling challenges that lie at this interface. The ICB CDT is a doctoral training programme, which forms the heart of the ICB. It aims to train students in the art of multidisciplinary Chemical Biology research, through a combination of taught courses and research, and to empower students to become the future world leaders in Chemical Biology research. The ICB CDT 1+3 year PhD project now available for the October 2019 cohort: Gut on a Chip 4.0: next generation models to study gut-microbiome-metabolism interactions.
The NexGenAgriChem Marie Curie ITN
NexGenAgriChem is an Innovative Doctoral Training Programme that breaks down boundaries between the Physical sciences and the Agri-sciences - quite unique in the UK and EU. The programme trains a new generation of multidisciplinary researchers who will underpin the development of novel tools and technologies able to provide molecular insight into the mode of action of agrochemicals.
Theory and Simulation of Materials
The EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training on Theory and Simulation of Materials (TSM-CDT) is the UK's centre of excellence in theory and simulation. We are training a new generation of scientists who have a passion for cutting-edge research and are inspired to use their talent for theory and mathematics to tackle the scientific and technological challenges of today and the future. The central theme is bridging length and time scales which pose some of the most challenging problems in theory and simulation. Students receive a comprehensive foundation in theoretical materials physics together with techniques for simulating materials across the wide range of length and time scales met in academic and industrial research.
Short courses
Please check out the Department of Medicine for a list of short courses available.