Improvements in potential drop defect sizing techniques
Many of the RCNDE industrial members have identified defect characterisation as an area of concern. The current project is investigating possible improvements in the potential drop (DCPD and ACPD) defect monitoring techniques. It has been shown in collaboration with Professor Peter Nagy (University of Cincinnati and visiting professor in the group) that it is possible to make accurate ac and quasi-dc measurements at currents of only a few mA, compared with the tens of amps used in some commercial systems. This greatly simplifies the electrode and contact design and makes array monitoring more feasible. The project is exploring ways of exploiting these possibilities for corrosion and crack monitoring.
Sposito, G., Cawley, P. and Nagy, P. 'An approximate model for three-dimensional alternating current potential drop analyses using a commercial finite element code', NDT&E International, Vol 43, pp134-140, 2010.
Sposito, G., Cawley, P. and Nagy, P. 'Potential drop mapping for the monitoring of corrosion or erosion'NDT&E International, Vol 43, pp394-402, 2010.