Facilities and equipment in the centre
The centre houses Bruker Avance III HD 800 MHz and 600 MHz (x2) spectrometers. The facility also hosts a Jeol 400 MHz spectrometer for faculty of engineering.
The 800 and one 600 are equipped with triple-resonance cryoprobes, while another 600 is equipped with a bioSolid probe.
The 800 also benefits from a SAMPLEJET with cooling. All spectrometers are controlled by Linux computers running Bruker Topspin 3 software.
A computing suite is situated next door to the magnet room hosting a number of Linux workstations. The machines run a variety of software for NMR data processing, analysis and structure calculation, including NMRPipe, Topspin, NMRView, the CCPNMR suite, CNS, ARIA and HADDOCK.
Sample Preparation
The facility is equipped with a small wet laboratory for NMR sample preparation and manipulation, including a class II microbiological safety cabinet.