Prospective Supervisors
EPSRC CDT React - Project Application Call - NOW CLOSED
Applications are invited from prospective supervisors for linked MRes/PhD projects for Cohort 5 (Intake Oct 2023). The CDT runs the studentship programme as an integrated (1+3) package, where students will be required to undertake the MRes in Advanced Molecular Synthesis and progress (if suitable) to a PhD.
To apply, please download or find the EPSRC CDT React Application Form and Guidelines.
EPSRC CDT Remit: The specific remit of the CDT is to educate a critical mass of researchers with the ability to collect data using automated, high-throughput reaction platforms, and to apply quantitative and statistical approaches to data analysis and utilisation, thus increasing the resilience of the UK’s workforce and the productivity of its chemistry-reliant industries.
Please note key details and dates for this call below.
- Please refer to the EPSRC Studentship Proposal Application guidelines on page 4 before completing the application
- The CDT aims to operate on a transparent process for project selection; applications will only qualify if they fit the CDT remit and this will be filtered by the CDT directors before being disseminated to interested Industrial Advisory Board members who may wish to fully or co-fund some projects with CDT. The remaining projects are then circulated back to the consortium for scoring (applicants to omit scoring their own) and they will be scored on the basis of the project’s assessed component (Science, Innovation, Multidisciplinary, Synergy, Feasibility and Impact). Decision by mid July 2022.
- Advertisements for successful projects to be placed on various channels by August 2022 - Successful project supervisors may be requested to provide alternative/suitable descriptions of the project to advertise on the CDT website
- Students to be interviewed on an on-going basis after advert release; shortlisted students will be interviewed by the CDT Directors, meet with potential supervisors and matched to one of their project choices, depending on suitability.