Nanomaterials Synthesis
Synthesis on the nanometer scale is achieved through the creation of nanosized objects (e.g. quantum dots, carbon nanotubes), but also the synthesis of new molecules that have particular applications in nanotechnology, e.g. organic electronics.
Other examples of our research are the deposition of thin films with nanometer feature sizes, such as blended copolymer films or nanostructured biomaterials. Close collaboration between experimental and theoretical groups informs synthesis strategies and helps rationalise novel physical behaviours.
Name | Title |
Joal Cabral |
Reader in Soft Matter, Department of Chemical Engineering Research interests are in soft condensed matter, in particular in complex polymer mixtures, multicomponent systems, often containing particles and opolymers. currently studying the thermodynamics and dynamics or polymer blends with a combination of real- and reciprocal-space techniques, including microscopy and AFM, and light, X-ray and neutron scattering. |
Iain E. Dunlop |
Lecturer in Biomaterials, Department of Materials Research areas is in mechanisms of cell-nanomaterial interactions; nanomaterials for tissue engineering and immunology. |
Theoni Georgiou |
Lecturer in Materials, Department of Materials Research interestes involve synthesis and characterisation of polymers and their evaluation in a variety of applications like drug delivery, gene delivery, photothermal therapy. |
Rob Davies |
Senior Lecturer, Department of Chemistry Research interests are primarily focussed upon main-group organometallic and coordination chemistry, but also encapsulate a range of inorganic, organic and organometallic topics. |
Sunil Shaunak |
Professor of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine |
James Wilton-Ely |
Senior Lecturer in Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry Our research interests focus on nanomaterials functionalised with molecular (d- and f-block) metal units. These nanoscale systems are based on nanoparticles (both metal and silica) including core-shell materials (e.g., with a magnetic core). Recent work has extended this to nanorods and nanostars. Applications addressed with these materials include sensing of poisons in air (CO) and in solution (Hg), medical imaging (MRI, PET, theranostics) and catalysis. The focus of the group is synthetic and all materials are prepared and functionalised in our laboratories. |
Joshua Edel |
Professor in Micro and Nanotechnology, Department of Chemistry Research covers nanobiotechnology with an emphasis on the development of micro and nanofluidic devices for analytical and bio-analytical applications and ultra-high sensitivity optical detection techniques. |
Nicholas Harrison |
Professor, Chair of Computational Materials Science, Department of Chemistry Research interests lie in the area of quantum mechanical modelling of material properties with the aim of discovering new functional materials. |
Professor of Theory & Simulation of Materials, Head of Department, Department of Materials Research interests focus on the development of new linear-scaling methods forperforming large-scale first-principles quantum-mechanical simulations and their application to materials science, nanotechnology and biological systems |
Reader in the Theory & Simulation of Materials, Department of Materials Current research interests cover the dynamics of electrons out of equilibrium, and the thermodynamics of complex interfaces. |
Professor of Biomaterials, Department of Materials Research work on process development of foamed gel-derived bioactive glass (the first 3D porous scaffold made from bioactive glass) and inorganic/ organic hybrids. |
Professor of Biophysics, Department of Medicine |
Reader in Organometallic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry Research areas is in organosilicon chemistry, the synthesis and characterisation of metal-organic frameworks as materials for hydrogen storage, and the use of siloxanes as solvent. |
Lecturer in functional nanomaterials, Department of Materials Primary research interests centre on the synthesis and characterisation of metal oxide species. More specifically, the development of low temperature deposition routes, analysing surfaces and buried interfaces of thin films and correlating structural, morphological and electrical properties with the synthesis method. |
Professor of Nanomaterials, Department of Materials Research activity concerns the preparation, characterisation and applications of nanomaterials. Colloid chemistry, anodisation and templated deposition are employed to obtain materials of defined dimension. |
Professor of Materials Science & Nanotechnology, Department of Materials Current research is in the area of applied electrochemistry and corrosion, with a focus on deposition of nanostructures and the study of self-forming nanocrystalline oxides; as well as fundamental work on degradation and stability of metal system. |
Professor of Materials Chemistry and Co Director of LCN, Department of Chemistry and Materials Research focuses on the synthesis and applications of high aspect nanomaterials, particularly carbon nanotubes, but including systems based on titania, zinc oxide, graphene, and layered double hydroxides. |
Professor of Biomedical Materials and Regenerative Medicine, Research Director for Biomedical Material Sciences Research is focused on both high quality fundamental science and translation for human health. Research in regenerative medicine within her group includes the directed differentiation of stem cells, the design of novel bioactive scaffolds and new approaches towards tissue regeneration. |
Professor of Nanotechnology, Chairman of CDT in Theory and Simulations of Materials Research interests are at the interface between condensed matter physics and materials science. Current work involves theory spanning classical and quantum mechanics, elastic field theory of defects and their interactions in solids, transport of atoms, electrons and heat in solids, hermodynamics and statistical mechanics, electronic structure and interatomic forces. |
Lecturer, Department of Chemistry Research is highly multidisciplinary and uses bioinspired approaches to synthesise targeted multi-functional polymeric nanomedicines capable of changing their surface or core properties in response to local or up-regulated disease markers for stimuli-responsive and spatiotemporally controlled biological drug delivery. These polymeric nanomedicines are synthesised using nanopolymerisation reactions in confined droplets. We also investigate nanomedicine bio-efficacy using biomimetic models with controlled environmental parameters for testing nanoparticle physicochemical properties. This facilitates a more dynamic biological mechanistic insight between nanoparticles and target cell populations. |