Musculoskeletal Kinematics
Scope, aims and objectives
Optical motion tracking, electromagnetic devices, and imaging technologies are used to quantify skeletal and soft-tissue movement. In this research theme experimental techniques and algorithms are developed and used in application areas such as in sports, orthopaedic surgery optimisation, and activities of daily living.
Key focuses of the research have included the development of novel ways to quantify upper limb motion, particularly the scapula, developing algorithms and software for the description of the movement of the elbow and knee, and the use of electron beam CT to quantify articular kinematics.
Key publications
- Shaheen AF, Villa C, Lee YN, et al, Scapular taping alters kinematics in asymptomatic subjects., J Electromyogr Kinesiol, 2013, Vol:23, Pages:326-333
- Alam M, Bull AM, Thomas RD, et al, A clinical device for measuring internal-external rotational laxity of the knee., Am J Sports Med, 2013, Vol:41, Pages:87-94
- Stoddard JE, Deehan DJ, Bull AM, et al, The kinematics and stability of single-radius versus multi-radius femoral components related to mid-range instability after TKA., J Orthop Res, 2013, Vol:31, Pages:53-58
- Murphy AJ, Bull AM, McGregor AH, Predicting the lumbosacral joint centre location from palpable anatomical landmarks., Proc Inst Mech Eng H, 2011, Vol:225, Pages:1078-1083, ISSN:0954-4119
- Alam M, Bull AM, Thomas RD, et al, Measurement of rotational laxity of the knee: in vitro comparison of accuracy between the tibia, overlying skin, and foot., Am J Sports Med, 2011, Vol:39, Pages:2575-2581
- Prinold JA, Shaheen AF, Bull AM, Skin-fixed scapula trackers: a comparison of two dynamic methods across a range of calibration positions., J Biomech, 2011, Vol:44, Pages:2004-2007
- Shaheen AF, Alexander CM, Bull AM, Effects of attachment position and shoulder orientation during calibration on the accuracy of the acromial tracker., J Biomech, 2011, Vol:44, Pages:1410-1413
- Shaheen AF, Alexander CM, Bull AM, Tracking the scapula using the scapula locator with and without feedback from pressure-sensors: A comparative study., J Biomech, 2011, Vol:44, Pages:1633-1636
- Amadi HO, Bull AM, A motion-decomposition approach to address gimbal lock in the 3-cylinder open chain mechanism description of a joint coordinate system at the glenohumeral joint., J Biomech, 2010, Vol:43, Pages:3232-3236
- Amadi HO, Hansen UN, Bull AM, A numerical tool for the reconstruction of the physiological kinematics of the glenohumeral joint., Proc Inst Mech Eng H, 2009, Vol:223, Pages:833-837, ISSN:0954-4119
- Kessler O, Bull AMJ, Amis AA , A method to quantify alteration of knee kinematics caused by changes of TKR positioning., Journal of Biomechanics, 2009, Vol:42, Pages:665-670(publication doi)
- Bull AM, Kessler O, Alam M, et al, Changes in knee kinematics reflect the articular geometry after arthroplasty., Clin Orthop Relat Res, 2008, Vol:466, Pages:2491-2499
- Amadi HO, Hansen UN, Wallace AL, et al, A scapular coordinate frame for clinical and kinematic analyses., J Biomech, 2008, Vol:41, Pages:2144-2149, ISSN:0021-9290
- Amis AA, Oguz C, Bull AM, et al, The effect of trochleoplasty on patellar stability and kinematics: a biomechanical study in vitro., J Bone Joint Surg Br, 2008, Vol:90, Pages:864-869, ISSN:0301-620X
- Hill AM, Bull AM, Wallace AL, et al, Qualitative and quantitative descriptions of glenohumeral motion., Gait Posture, 2008, Vol:27, Pages:177-188, ISSN:0966-6362
- Hill AM, Bull AM, Dallalana RJ, et al, Glenohumeral motion: review of measurement techniques., Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 2007, Vol:15, Pages:1137-1143, ISSN:0942-2056
- McGregor AH , Patankar ZS , Bull AMJ , Longitudinal changes in the spinal kinematics of oarswomen during step testing, J Sport Science & Med, 2007, Vol:6
- Amis AA, Senavongse W, Bull AM, Patellofemoral kinematics during knee flexion-extension: an in vitro study., J Orthop Res, 2006, Vol:24, Pages:2201-2211, ISSN:0736-0266
- Steer RR, McGregor AH, Bull AMJ, A comparison of kinematics and performance measures of two rowing ergometers, JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE AND MEDICINE, 2006, Vol:5, Pages:52-59, ISSN:1303-2968
- Dente E , Bharath AA , Ng J , et al, Tracking hand and finger movements for behaviour analysis., Pattern Recognition Letters, 2006, Vol:27, Pages:1797-1808
- McGregor AH, Patankar ZS, Bull AM, Spinal kinematics in elite oarswomen during a routine physiological "step test"., Med Sci Sports Exerc, 2005, Vol:37, Pages:1014-1020, ISSN:0195-9131
- Lee RYW, McGregor AH, Bull AMJ, et al, Dynamic response of the cervical spine to posteroanterior mobilisation, CLINICAL BIOMECHANICS, 2005, Vol:20, Pages:228-231, ISSN:0268-0033
- McGregor AH, Wragg P, Bull AMJ, et al, Cervical spine mobilizations in subjects with chronic neck problems: An interventional MRI study, JOURNAL OF BACK AND MUSCULOSKELETAL REHABILITATION, 2005, Vol:18, Pages:21-28, ISSN:1053-8127
- Shih YF, Bull AMJ, McGregor AH, et al, Active patellar tracking measurement - A novel device using ultrasound, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 2004, Vol:32, Pages:1209-1217, ISSN:0363-5465
- McGregor,A.H. , Bull,A.M.J. , Lee,R. , et al, Dynamic response of the human spine to anteroposterior mobilisation manual therapy: an interventional magnetic resonance imaging study (short communication), Physiotherapy, 2004, Vol:90, Pages:165-166, ISSN:0031-9406
- Bull,A.M.J. , Holt,P.J. , Wragg,P. , et al, Validation of the use of a skin-mounted device to measure out-of-plane rotations of the spine for a rowing activity, Journal of Musculoskeletal Research, 2004, Vol:8, Pages:129-132, ISSN:0218-9577
- Holt PJE, Bull AMJ, Cashman PMM, et al, Kinematics of spinal motion during prolonged rowing, INT J SPORTS MED, 2003, Vol:24, Pages:597-602, ISSN:0172-4622
- Katchburian MV, Bull AMJ, Shih YF, et al, Measurement of patellar tracking: Assessment and analysis of the literature, CLINICAL ORTHOPAEDICS AND RELATED RESEARCH, 2003, Pages:241-259, ISSN:0009-921X
- Shih YF, Bull AMJ, McGregor AH, et al, A technique for the measurement of patellar tracking during weight-bearing activities using ultrasound, PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART H-JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE, 2003, Vol:217, Pages:449-457, ISSN:0954-4119
- Bull AMJ, Katchburian MV, Shih YF, et al, Standardisation of the description of patellofemoral motion and comparison between different techniques, KNEE SURGERY SPORTS TRAUMATOLOGY ARTHROSCOPY, 2002, Vol:10, Pages:184-193, ISSN:0942-2056
- Bull AM, McGregor AH, Measuring spinal motion in rowers: the use of an electromagnetic device., Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon), 2000, Vol:15, Pages:772-776, ISSN:0268-0033
- Bull AM, Berkshire FH, Amis AA, Accuracy of an electromagnetic measurement device and application to the measurement and description of knee joint motion., Proc Inst Mech Eng H, 1998, Vol:212, Pages:347-355, ISSN:0954-4119
- Bull AM, Amis AA, Knee joint motion: description and measurement., Proc Inst Mech Eng H, 1998, Vol:212, Pages:357-372, ISSN:0954-4119
- Bull,A.M.J. , Amis,A.A. , Accuracy of an electromagnetic tracking device, Journal of Biomechanics, 1997, Vol:30, Pages:857-858