Blast biomechanics
Scope, aims and objectives
Blast Biomechanics considers the behaviour of the human skeleton under high impulse loading (such that is seen in a blast environment). Applications include civilian and military mitigation.
An overview of the Blast Biomechanics work can be accessed at the Centre for Blast Injury Studies website.
Key Publications
Newell N, Salzar R, Bull AMJ,Masouros SD. A validated numerical model of a lower limb surrogate to investigate injuries caused by under-vehicle explosions. J Biomech 49, (2016):710-717.
Singleton JA, Gibb IE, Hunt NC, Bull AMJ, Clasper JC. Identifying future 'unexpected' survivors: a retrospective cohort study of fatal injury patterns in victims of improvised explosive devices. BMJ Open 3, (2013), 8, e003130.
Masouros SD, Newell N, Ramasamy A, Bonner TJ, West ATH, Hill AM, Clasper JC, Bull AMJ. Design of a traumatic injury simulator for assessing lower limb response to high loading rates. Ann Biomed Eng. 41, (2013) 1957-1967.
Ramasamy A, Masouros SD, Newell N, Hill AM, Proud WG, Brown KA, Bull AMJ, Clasper JC. In-vehicle extremity injuries from improvised explosive devices: current and future foci. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 366, (2011), 160-170.
Eftaxiopoulou T, Barnett-Vanes A, Arora H, Macdonald W, Nguyen T-T N, Itadani M, Sharrock AE, Britzman D, Proud WG, Bull AMJ, Rankin S. Prolonged but not short duration blast waves elicit acute inflammation in a rodent model of primary blast limb trauma. Injury 47, 2016:625-632